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Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2013 17:33 Title: Prologue: True North

Finally giving this a proper chapter-by-chapter review after falling in love with it in '09 and reading it start to finish in an evening.  

So, my impressions of this prologue ...

Corry is, of course, instantly likeable.  And I like that he uses his charm for good here, breaking up a scuffle before it begins and reaching out to "the curve killer."  I also love his infatuation with Maggie, and his hilarious and oh-so-true "theory."

I hate referencing my own stuff in a review, but I can't help but draw some comparisons here -- I imagine that if JQ had been better raised, he might be more like Corry.  And the reactions of the older cadets to Scotty's presence in their ranks is ... familiar to me, as well.

Scotty's guarded here, as always, but he does give Corry a chance, which of course sets the stage for this whole epic tale.  Already I am giddy with the anticipation of rereading this, especially having grown to know the characters better over the past few years.  Onward!

Author's Response: I think it must have been his squadmates in Basic who softened him up with the social interaction, as well as giving him his lifelong nick. He never got close to them, but he was fond of them, and they of him, and someday I will go back and add a few more tales to that saga. And you know, I think you're right about JQ. Even with the upbringing, he and Cor share a lot of common traits; John is more solemn, but he's good at taking a joke, he's kind of a player, and he's so deeply loyal.

And hey, reference away. I love parallels and characterization discussion.

Reviewer: Verenna Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2009 02:50 Title: Prologue: True North

You know by now what I think of ONOW.LOL
I tend to make emotional reviews, mainly about what I feel when I read a story, because I donĀ“t believe I have the knowledge and experience to take a more technical approach. So, all I will say is this: when I finished the story, my day was a better one. Thanks for that.

Author's Response: I very much appreciate you telling me, too. Thank you.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Feb 2009 00:55 Title: Prologue: True North

I spent a number of lunchtimes reading this. I look on that time fondly.I fell behind at TrekBBS on my fanfic reading because of this tale. Higher praise I cannot give.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2009 10:23 Title: Prologue: True North

You know, the love that I wish I could pour over ONOW is limitless. It's a heck of a thing to review though. See, telling you how brilliantly I believe you have captured Scotty would be about as presumptuos (or plain silly) as telling the Sun, 'I so like the way you send your rays down to Earth, I think you're doing it in exactly the right way and you've captured the procedure perfectly.' I don't believe you need to be told this, but it's still hard to check the impulse, because it's so, SO true.

More than *wicked* good characterization, you've created a whole new world in there. I know of many other attempts to make Starfleet Academy setting, both in canon, and in fiction. I have never come across a more defined, more fitting, more sensible way to do it. It echoes with the time it must have been there in the second quarter of the 23d century. In a way, it's reminiscent of the old Navy days, and it so rings true as well. But most importantly, this world of yours is so well-defined, the reader slips into it, like in their own skin, and feels immediately at home. Really, I was no stranger in those classes, quarters, even in Belfast. Not to mention South Bristol. ;-)

But the most amazing thing about this story is its unbelievable suitability for anyone who appreciates a very good read.

Doesn't matter if you're a Trek fan or not. Doesn't matter if you prefer TNG or VOY to TOS. Doesn't matter if you're not into sci-fi at all.

If you enjoy adventure, which might reveal certain things about yourself; character-driven storyline, with characters that are impossible not to immediately sympathyze with; a challenge to what's more important in life: Duty or bonds of friendship; if any of this stirs something within you -- cast out your doubts and read. It's as simple as that. And more rewarding than one can imagine.

Author's Response: Wicked, woman. But thank you very much. I don't know how you coulda possibly given me more to glow over than your original commentary on it, but then you went and did.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2009 08:44 Title: Prologue: True North

And who said an Academy centric show wouldn't work..I like this story because of the wealh of NEW characters (well, at least I don't recognize them..SO I may be wrong)...

And another thing I liked? You could have made everything uber modern, meaning computers instead of paper...but you kept "paper" in it, which gives the reader a better ability to be grasp the story. Makes it, oh, realistic and more grounded in our reality.

Great job!! now on to the next part..


Author's Response: LOL! Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the notion that the 23rd century is some unrecognizable wonderland of perfection. And yes, almost everyone is new; there's the occasional cameo, but Scotty is the only serious canon character involved. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2009 05:07 Title: Prologue: True North

I'm enjoying this even more on the second go-around than I did the first time!  I won't spoil it for anybody else, but it's really interesting to read these characters again now that I really know them, and scour for bits that I missed the first time.  That's the mark of a really good story for me--that the re-read is as good as or even better than the first time around.

(BTW...I had the experience of being the curve-killer that moved in from a different school for the senior year, and fortunately I was a LOT luckier!  At least the former valedictorian was really nice!)

Author's Response: Thank you very much! It seems like an eternity ago when I wrote most of this story; I'm thrilled it's held up well. I was a curve-killer, but never made valedictorian. ::laughs:: Ended up skipping class too much my senior year. Still graduated pretty high up.

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