Date: 15 May 2013 03:20 Title: Chapter 17
Well, Qwert is a badass. Let's get that out of the way right now. No one on that station can stand against his cane and his mighty crounching Ferengi, hidden Latinum fighting style.
Back to the chapter overall: wow. Shit has hit the fan and in a major way. People dead, assasination attempts, and what looks to be a civil war. This entire thing has broken down and the Federation is right in the middle of it, unable to extract itself now that things have gotten so out of hand.
What has happened to Sarine? What's going on in general?
Well done, this chapter. The space battle was well portrayed, the enemy ships decription strong and what they're doing matching that.
Date: 23 Feb 2011 14:52 Title: Chapter 17
Well that's cleared things up enough. As in, we know someone really wants to kill them now. Wowzers.
Date: 31 Aug 2010 03:57 Title: Chapter 17
This story just keeps getting more and more intricate, and like the volumes before it, this one is beautifully action-packed. I'm thoroughly enjoying this series as you know!
And tell you what; it's an interesting feeling reading a story in the same way you'd watch an action movie at its climax. I despair that there's no 'next' button to push right now!
Date: 10 Aug 2010 03:28 Title: Chapter 17
Ah, yes... nothing like having your diplomatic mission spark a civil war among a highly advanced and ridiculously dangerous alien species who might hold the very fate of your fragile Federation in their hands.
In other words... Holy @&*$!
Oh, and FYI, Qwert kicks ass. He's like a Feregi version of Yoda.
Author's Response: Hi Gibraltar, Yeah, the crew of the Redemption have kind of screwed the pooch here, though things are far from what they seem. This diplomatic mission may have sparked the civil war, but it is a war that has been brewing for a while and would probably have kicked off sooner or later. Both sides have a very different way of viewing things, and there are some other factors we are not aware of yet that will cast a different light on what has happened. ie, Qwert as a Ferengi version of Yoda - Laughed. My. Ass. Off!!!! :) Love it! Thanks for the comment!