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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2013 00:54 Title: Chapter 2

Knowing much of their background (but probably in a weird order), I am thinking the issues with Icheb are failing implants. Is that correct? And Malik, is he a Soong android? He does not seem to be your standard Borg drone. And what kind of Faustian bargain is he offering Icheb?

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2012 10:47 Title: Chapter 2

Always love the Maren/Icheb stuff, and just the craziness of Maren's situation... Very interested to know what's so special about Malik's ship...

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2010 19:20 Title: Chapter 2

Some wonderful character moments between Maren and Icheb. As usual, more went unsaid between them than was voiced, though both of them are clearly psychologically bruised and aching after recent events. The person each of them wants most in all the universe is right next to them, but they may as well be on opposite sides of the galaxy so large is the emotional gulf between them.

The intensity of that final exchange between Adele and Malik was formidable, and it’s clear the captain has mustered her best game face for the confrontation. Here’s hoping Malik & Company don’t put Adele’s resolve to the test...

Keep it coming, daddy needs his candy!

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2010 07:21 Title: Chapter 2

Why do I get the feeling that Maren's last thought does NOT bode well for the next chapter...

Another excellent chapter. As usual I am jealous of your character building skills (I think only Gibraltar is on par with creating awesome characters through scenes like these!) The confrontation between Adele and Malik had sparks flying all over the place, and it is nice to be reminded once again why Adele is captain - she can be a hardass when she needs to be as she shows in this chapter.

The following scene between Icheb and Maren... I really feel for these two. As you said in one of your comments, there has been definite progress since the beginning of the story, a testament to how well you have written their arcs. They have both been through a lot, together and apart, it is nice to see that they are finally ready to talk.

Of course whether you will give them that time in the middle of a galactic war...

As usual, a fantastic chapter. So glad to see this back. And can't wait for more!!!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jul 2010 13:43 Title: Chapter 2

The ‘drone’ is Starfleet

That's something all of them could do with remembering. From Malik, to Icheb himself and to the Admirals such as Nechayev. The reaction to the past from both Maren and Icheb in regards the attitude of some Admirals is very telling. It speaks of a time when Icheb as it can be easily imagined was not so welcomed among the ranks of Starfleet.

A lot in this chapter to take heed of. Firstly, beaming over to the Resistance Borg ship is going to anything but uneventful. I can feel it in my waters. Malik's attitude to it is less than co-operative and like Adele [wisely] I wouldn't be so keen to trust him. The Captain and Malik have a very strained relationship. Considering Malik is the one normally in charge and the one who escaped the control of the Borg Collective, it is easy to tell that he does not take being dictated to or having terms dictated to him very well. How far will he be willing to co-operate. And even with the brains of Icheb and Maren at hand one wonders at the trickery the former drones could pull, especially once their ship is onboard.

As for Icheb and Maren. The see-saw relationship continues into Book 2, but it seems that the two of them or making some sort of progress and share some connection still, whihc both are beginning to realise even as they are tested by circumstances and one another in their relationship - whatever it is. But it seems they are able to work together. And they will need to be able to do so as things continue. There can but only be trouble ahead.

Oh and I just loved Maren's rant. It seems she really has a lot to say and affording herself the chance to tell Icheb just one thing she lets loose with her tongue and lets as much information spill out. That was fun to watch. And it shows how much has indeed been going on. And that despite some secrets at long last revealed, there are some, like whatever the resistance Borg have as their weapon and like Icheb's offer from Malik, that are yet to be laid out on the table. How these secrets play out will continue to intrigue and thicken the plot.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the review! You're right, Adele and Malik are not instant buddies. Adele is still pissed off about the "you kidnapped my first officer" incident, and Malik does not like trusting or giving control to anyone else. Besides all that, these two are a just match made in hell, personality-wise. If nothing else, maybe Adele will appreciate Icheb more now that she's getting to know some other ex-drones. 

As far as Icheb goes, yeah, he had a rough start with Starfleet for sure. Good thing he's stubborn, plus he had Janeway and the rest of the VOY crew (and later Maren ... and John, in his own way ) advocating for him and encouraging him. A less stubborn person might not have stuck with it.

I have no idea why you think things will be anything but smooth on the resistance ship.  As for Icheb and Maren and their relationship ... see-saw is one way to describe it. I think I'd compare it to a yo-yo. Rather than a straight back-and-forth movement, it's sort of two steps forward, one step back, like what happens when someone isn't very good with a yo-yo (that'd be me). And with that, I'm off to find coffee, because clearly my metaphors start to suffer with lack of caffeine.

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