Date: 15 May 2013 02:05 Title: Chapter 12
And now we're back at Dax. I have to say, I thought for sure that Keene was at the door and not Malok ... I thought Dax was about to bite the bullet. But it turned out to be a friend after all and he brought a Vulcan, ready for a mind meld.
I have to point out my giddy glee at the Vulcan's name: you have a talent for naming characters. Q'sar (which I say as Quasar in my head, cause it sounds cool). I'm just constantly impressed by that and wanted to shout it out real quick.
Back to the chapter, boy it seems Jasto's in a bad way. I don't think this mind meld thing is going to work (Tuvok/Lon Suder anyone? Suder was awesome by the way, miss him). I have a feeling that this is gonna backfire tremendously. I'm also hoping this is a reference to Tuvok/Suder but if not, I'm still taking it as that ;)
Date: 24 Jan 2011 22:34 Title: Chapter 12
Wow! I'm terrified for Q'sar for lots of reasons. Intense.
Author's Response: Thanks! :)
Date: 24 Jul 2010 11:24 Title: Chapter 12
Yeah, wow… so many ways that this could go terribly, terribly wrong.
Jasto’s desperate to find some kind of solution, and I’ve got a queasy feeling that his first instinct not to allow Q’sar to try and help was the correct one. Even a relatively disciplined Vulcan mind may not be able to cope with the insanity and depravity of Haebron’s unchecked personality.
Here’s hoping this turns out better than I expect…
Wonderful segment, btw!