Date: 05 Dec 2011 23:42 Title: Chapter 2
I think you and I differ big time on Section 31's profile. In your story (and series), it is known a lot more than is let on in DS9. Whereas in my series, I always think of Section 31 being known only to a select few Starfleet admirals, certain members of the Federation Council and others (who have accidently learnt of its existance, like Sisko and Bashir (and in my series, Ezri)).
I just think Section 31 feels more 'cooler' if only a handful of people know about it. Whereas the way you portray it, I don't know, some of the mystery about Section 31 is lost.
Author's Response: Well, all the more reason to read on, but as you'll eventually see that Section 31 has its own way covering its tracks and making it look like whoever knows about them is just making baseless accusations. You could also think of it as reconciliation between DS9 portraying 31 as an organization shrouded in obscurity and the Hidden Frontier universe portraying them as that bug in the house you can't get rid of.
Date: 02 Jul 2010 04:42 Title: Chapter 2
The dialog between Cole and Markalis was spot on!! It throws an interesting angle into this story your are telling.
Author's Response: If you've read my preliminary character biographies, it mentions that Markalis has Asperger's syndrome. One rule-of-thumb is that aspies are bad liars, so she isn't entirely hip to the idea of becoming an intelligence agent. But Cole just interprets her non-answers as "maybes".