Date: 11 Jun 2012 02:11 Title: Chapter 49
Nice little chapter building up the tension, while I'm still eager (and waiting) to know for how the Federation started this Borg civil war. I also feel that the Maren and Icheb characters are evolving, they're going in this direction and its almost like they are moving beyond past traumas with respect to the immediate present. So it's clever how you are moulding them into something different...
Date: 20 Apr 2010 20:56 Title: Chapter 49
I think bad things are about to go down. But man, that scene with John...can't help but cheer for the underdog, especially with Journey playing in my ears. A career is totally worth it John, pull through, go onward! Great chapter.
Date: 25 Mar 2010 09:57 Title: Chapter 49
Despite the brevity of their mission so far, it’s still unsettling to see the ‘family’ broken up in this way, with the civilians departing in the uncomfortably vulnerable Sol and Luna while Tesseract herself goes deliberately in harm’s way.
Beckley is his usually detached self, analyzing the situation for whatever advantage can be gained. He appears to be the ultimate pragmatist, even to the detriment of his own humanity (if he is, in fact, really human).
John’s poignant departure and short conversation with Maren underscores his unrequited love, as well as Maren’s acknowledgment of their friendship… but only just that. John’s instinct to hold his tongue about his real feelings is a good one, but one wonders, how long can his restraint last?
And as for Icheb, he’s playing a dangerous game with his captors, one that may well have consequences not only for himself, but for Tesseract as a whole.
Terrific chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Gibraltar! It is sort of unsettling to see them separate ... we'll see what happens.
Beckley as the ultimate pragmatist -- that's a pretty apt description!
John. Yes, at least he held his tongue. One can only imagine how Maren would feel having that particular bomb dropped on her as John is literally on his way off the ship while she's off to (hopefully) see Icheb. Now, he did hold his tongue for seven years before this, but that was different. A lot has changed. We'll see if he can keep his mouth shut. Of course, whether he SHOULD keep his mouth shut in the long run is another question ...
And yes, Icheb has a risky idea. He's decided he's going to be proactive. Let's see how it turns out!
Thanks again for reading and commenting. I'm very glad you're continuing to enjoy the story.
Date: 24 Mar 2010 03:19 Title: Chapter 49
Excellent job of keeping the plot marching forward while ratcheting up the tension to new levels. I really liked the first-hand account of the evacuation of the civvies, good blend of John's personal thoughts and then the occasional snippet of the tearful good-byes. Like for some reason, the Trill couple just caught his eye and stayed there.
Although, I have to admit, I'm glad to see the civvies gone. Never thought they belonged aboard a starship, particularly one sailing deep into harm's way. (Of course, I have a whole different rant about the civvies being around for Wolf 359... Gross negligance on the part of Command!)
As for John, still my favorite character, he's gotta get his head on straight. Sooner rather later. I have a bad feeling that his little Saber-class is going to need their Tactical Officer at peak performance in the next few chapters.
I guess, I would have shipped him out too. With a unknown Borg vessel bearing down on me, I would want an officer at Tactical ready to fire at a moments notice. Not one standing there with his head in his hands mourning his lost love.
Maybe Quigley need a little trip back in time, I'm sure Lieutenants Ostrowski and Garrison could whip that "little lost puppy" routine right out of him.
Things are going from bad to worse for Icheb too. Needed minutes to finish his project, and he got what 28 seconds? Did he get it done? Is the 'Tessie' sailing into a trap?
One thing is for sure, Adele doesn't have much of a margin for error today. The crew better be at battlestations when they arrive at the meeting place, or it could be a shortest rescue attempt of all time.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, Funngunner! Glad you liked the chapter.
I'm of two minds on the civilians on starships thing -- I think it's a horrible idea, but I understand why it would be allowed. But yeah, Wolf 359 -- NO EXCUSE for that. Total insanity.
John's head is SO not on straight right now. Hopefully a little distance will do him some good and make him more useful. We'll see ... and yes, he totally needs a trip back in time. I can just picture Beth and Garrison kicking his ass into gear!
Icheb got his stuff done. He hopes, anyway. No way to test ... we'll see if he pulls it off.
I assure you, Adele will have her people at battlestations. She's normally a diplomat ... but she doesn't mess around when it comes to the Borg. (It's a personal thing.)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Date: 23 Mar 2010 21:34 Title: Chapter 49
Well, Well, well. So much to digest here. From John's near change of heart and big reveal to Maren to his berating himself for thinking along those lines. The question now is whether his caht with Ryzal and his thoughts here are going to draw a line under his relationship with Maren. Is he going to accept not being with her? He seems to be trying to convince himself that he is only infatuated, that it is merely a childhood romance. But for John prior to this he was a womaniser and not one for romantic notions. So this is a shock to his system and he has a lot to contend with. He seems to be of the belief maybe that he shouldn't be with Maren because he doesn't deserve it or because she belongs with Icheb. He's cutting himself out of the running - but then that saves him running and allows him to run away. He seems to be one pretty conflicted guy who doesn't know what he is thinking when it comes to Maren. So can he simply walk away?
Me thinks the outcome of this mission is perhaps going to force his hand. I'm rather wary about the safety of the two civilian ships. I don't doubt the veracity of the plan or the capability of the ships' commanders. However, this is Trek and something, somewhere has to go wrong. What with Adele's words ringing in my ears, 'Stay together' and the ominous news that they have dodgy communications - I can't possibly foresee any problems.
As for Maren, she's a bit of a mess still. No wonder she just wants to sleep. Not feeling productive and cut off from where she might be of use - either in engineering or working on the drone- she feels very isolated and alone. I like the reflection though on her mother's words and her Academy days. It points to reasons why Maren is always pushing herself and trying to be a perfectionist. She could have had any geek on campus and paired well with them but she chose uber geek Icheb. Talk about making expectations for herself. But it seems she has more and more reasons to prove herself. Pushing herself so hard is going to get her into trouble - I mean bigger trouble and danger.
That said, the relationship between her and Icheb seems to have been one that was mutually beneficial as it helped both of them to become better officers and better academics with Icheb in his own way sharing the same thoughts. Icheb himself seems to be taking his destiny into his hands in a bold and risky gambit nut one that only gives the Tesseract a slight edge in the upcoming meeting. I can hardly wait. Wider conflicts and more trouble for the Tesseract. I also love his being called Federation by Malik. Hee hee.
Now, what else could I possibly salivate over ... ? Oh no, I can't possibly think what. Hmmm ... where is that shifty Admiral smilie?
Author's Response:
Yeah, you have to kind of feel for John, don't you? He's pretty mixed up at the moment. Maybe getting off the ship for a bit will help him clear his head and figure out what he wants. Or, as you say, it could just make everything more chaotic. We'll see. ;-) As for whether he can walk away ... he's done it before. But that was a very long time ago. They are grown-ups now (in theory - ha!) and a lot has changed ...
The uber geek! Yeah, I guess Icheb kind of is that, isn't he? And Maren chose him. Which says a lot about her, doesn't it? But no one's expectations for Maren are higher than Maren's expectations for Maren. So being stuck in sickbay when Important Stuff is happening is driving her insane. And yeah, she and Icheb had quite the little symbiotic relationship going back in the day. Very complementary in many ways. "A collective of two," John called them. Unfortunately, learning to be strong together doesn't necessarily translate into being strong apart ... they've got some growing to do. Icheb is working on it ... risky though his plan may be. We'll see how that turns out.
As for the Admiral ... he totally needs a smiley. Grey-haired and perpetually smirking. Heh.
Thanks so much for the awesome review! Always very appreciated. :-)