Date: 20 Apr 2010 20:42 Title: Chapter 47
BOOM! It's game time. Tesseract heading into battle, guns ready to fire. Coolio!
Date: 05 Mar 2010 10:16 Title: Chapter 47
Maren's still a wreck despite having discovered that Icheb's still alive, while John's still playing mother hen to her. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Adele is now faced with having to decide how many people she wants to commit to this potentially disastrous rendezvous with the Borg resistance.
I'm glad to see that despite the near-overwhelming cascade of events that are threatening to overpower the crew of Tesseract, Adele can still see the value in the counsel of her senior staff.
Author's Response:
Yes, Maren is still a total disaster. With any luck, she'll be able to pull herself together and make herself useful soon. For now though ... yeah. Wreck. John's playing mother hen for sure, it's in his nature to do so. He did the same for Icheb way back in the beginning and got in trouble for it -- he just handled things in a more action-y way that time rather than sitting around. (He won't be sitting for long, though ...)
I think the remaining senior staff are the only people left on the ship that Adele still trusts ...
Thanks for the review!
Date: 03 Mar 2010 20:46 Title: Chapter 47
Hee hee. Of course, as you expected no doubt, I loved T'Pring's response to Iden's risky plan. I share your astonishment indeed. Love it. The plan does have merit even from the surprising source. Basically, Adele knows nothing about what is ahead of them when they meet the mystery resistance movement. They may indeed be especially dangerous. Still, it is abold and brave move to shepherd the families onto the Sol and Luna. It both reassures and puts fears and doubts into the minds of those who are about to be separated from their families. So Keller and Ryzal have a lot in common and a lot to worry about - nevermind figuring a way through the current predicament.
Ryzal is a great character from the little we have so far gleamed of him. I want for their to be more of him. But then I want more of all the characters. The way you write them I could happily sit and read them discuss their favourite biscuits. I like the perspective we got from his Saurian background and how it informed some of his thinking. It is a neat slant to take. I wonder what he makes of John Q amid his persnal crises at a time of emergency for the entire ship. I doubt he is the sentimental type. Mind you he does have a family so there must be a soft spot somewhere.
As for poor John and Maren. They finally seem to get a little rest and hopefully a chance to cath up on themselves. They have both had a trying day and who knows what tomorrow will bring. The rest can't come soon enough considering Maren's nightmares which threw me for a loop at the start. Freaky and scary atmosphere created in that scene. Well done. It represent the hellish state of affairs for Maren and rest will refresh her for the challenges ahead - of which I am sure there are plenty.
So for now, all that remains to be sorted is:
- Getting Icheb back
- Figuring ou the Resistance's true motivation and purpose
- Maybe finding a way to help Icheb
- Shepherd the civilians onto the Sol and Luna and pray that nothing sinister comes of such a move - not to mention wonder who will go where in terms of their duties
Yipes! Can't see anything going wrong here ...
Author's Response:
Wrong? What could possibly go wrong?
Glad you like Ryzal. I'm not the greatest at writing "alien," but I'm hoping to get better at it through writing this character. He's got more differences than just a bumpy head.
We'll see how the plan works out ... Iden's not known for being a strategic genius, but everyone has their moments, right?
Hopefully rest does help Maren. She's a mess.
Nice list there ... we'll see if they can get it done!
Thanks for the great review!