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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jun 2012 17:49 Title: Chapter 45

Finally Icheb's problem is explained! Very clever I might add, and you've clearly given this story a lot of thought. I sense the beginnings of some sort of potential power struggle between Beckley and Adele... Intriguing stuff, even more so despite all the revelations of the last five chapters!

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Apr 2010 20:30 Title: Chapter 45

Well, at least Adele feels bad for how hard she was on Maren-I'm glad about that. Though Julian does in fact need to worry about the dear admiral. But what's Icheb up to? Looking forward to seeing it. :)

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2010 00:05 Title: Chapter 45

What a great chapter! I loved the conversation between Julian and Adele, the two work really well together, and it was nice to see Adele gaining an ally against the Admiral. I get the feeling she may need it!
I also like the backstory to Julian, discovering his continual links to the section. However the fact that they have links to this mission cannot be good, for anyone concerned.
Great job and can't wait to see what Icheb has to say!

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the review and the stars!  I'm so glad you liked this chapter. You're sort of the reigning king of spy intrigue around here, so if you approve, that definitely means a lot!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 11:46 Title: Chapter 45

Love Bashir the Man from Uncle. It seems that he has his own personal agenda and mission working within S31. It is hard to believe that it will come to any good. It does seem like a very S31 thing to do though - place operatives on a mission into the DQ. Especially in light of the technological advances made via Seven and Icheb's Borg knowledge. It seems S31 has dark ambitions and/or motivations about this mission. Intriguing question now is who is the other operative....

Loved how Bashir reasoned on the different heroes and their possible involvement in S31. From Adele to Icheb he has some genuinely good reasons to suspect them. It even made me wonder for a moment. I like too that he used his medical skills and knowledge and applies them to his spying activities.

Adele finally gets a chance to relax and her observation about reacting to circumstances rings true and shows her to be a real captain. She wants to command situations. So far though, much of that has been out of her hands. Though with Icheb's call at the end she may now find the ball in her court. Dear oh dear.

Lastly, icheb is communicating - how has he survived, has he been manipulated, what does he know, and what does this mean for the Tesseract? Questions, questions and more questions.

Author's Response:

Re: Julian -- Yes, he's definitely got an agenda.  So does S31.  The question is, are these agendas compatible?  And how many operatives are there?

You wondered for a moment about Adele and Icheb?  Oh, ye of little faith.  Hehe.  I'll take it as a compliment if I could make you suspect either of them for a moment, though, after forty-four previous chapters of liking them well enough.

Re: Adele -- She's a captain.  A particularly feeling, empathic one, maybe, but still a captain.  She's grown used to calling the shots over the last six years.  Today, everything was out of her hands.  The only one who got to make any real decisions today was Maren (well, and Icheb, but Adele doesn't know anything about that yet).  However, as you noted, that all may be about to change.  The ball may be back in her court.

Re: Icheb -- Wait and see!  ;-)

As usual, thanks for the thoughtful review and the reassurance on this chapter.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Feb 2010 09:43 Title: Chapter 45

I’m glad to see Adele has found a confidant in Julian, seeing as it’s becoming harder and harder to trust anyone on this mission, and they’re a week or so out of port.
Though it’s always possible Beckley is a Section 31 operative, his ties to Starfleet Intelligence make him just a bit too obvious a plant. My guess is that whoever the other operative is, that person might be more like the last individual we’d ever suspect. Someone like Maren, for instance.
It will doubtless prove fascinating to see how Adele and Maren handle the advisory board.
Continued excellence!

Author's Response:

Adele needed a confidant pretty badly, that's for sure.  Of course, we know Julian is more than just a CMO now.  Too bad everyone Adele works with seems to be hiding something.  Including him.

Maren?  S31?  Interesting thought.  Certainly that would put her relationship with Icheb in a much more sinister light, wouldn't it?  I'm not confirming or denying anything, just because it's more fun that way ... but seriously ... Maren?  The kitten in a den of wolves, I believe you called her?  She would certainly be the last person I'd suspect ... but then, you write Olivia Juneau.  So I can see where your mind would go there first.

We'll see what happens as things unfold!  Thanks for the review!

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