Date: 06 Feb 2010 06:51 Title: Command Team
Interesting little vignette. I like Oyugo's reaction to advisory board. That's natural. I also like the idea that she was an outside candidate with not much hope to get this position. That adds an interesting dynamic to the character.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and commenting, CeJay!
Date: 04 Feb 2010 07:53 Title: Command Team
An eye-opening look at Adele's first reactions to being awarded the Tesseract commission, as well as her first meeting with Icheb. I've come to know these characters so well over the course of your story that sometimes I forget they've not yet completed their very first mission. The look back is both fascinating and informative.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback, Gibraltar! I'm going to take it as a compliment that you feel you know them so well. But yes, in-story, Adele and Icheb have only known each other in person for a few weeks. They've barely started their mission! It's certainly been trial by fire so far. I'm glad you appreciated this little flashback. Thanks again!
Date: 02 Feb 2010 21:07 Title: Command Team
First off, I love getting the chance to see the guys before the mission. Stuff like this you say was written already and it is terrific character and world building stuff. It really helps to give a new and unique insight into the Tesseract characters.
Who else to kick things off with, than the dear old captain. Not that old actually and the fact she was a dark outsider for the job somewaht matches with many impressions we had at the start about Adele. She seemed too young and more importantly inexperienced for such a job and such a mission. However, Adele quickly dispelled such notions. Here you clearly demonstrate those virtues, qualities and job qualifications that got Adele the job. Her being a people person, a diplomat, good at diffusing tense and difficult situations navigating the turbulent currents of opposing parties, not to mention her ability to organise and orchestrate matters on such a large scale with the relief efforts. All of course, will be very useful to her in the DQ and command the Tesseract.
Great too to see her reaction to Icheb and the Advisory Board. Both items big news to - erm - assimilate - bad choice of words but true too. Excellent. Excellent.
And what I really liked was her perspective on her XO and the aspect she felt they could bring to her command. Be her balance and help her have a broader and more informed outlook. I love that she recognises her own areas of 'weakness' and is big enough to be self-reflective. Terrific.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Miranda Fave! I'm glad you liked the peek into the past, and I'm glad it helps you to understand what led Adele to the position she finds herself in now.
She's definitely self-reflective and more honest with herself than a lot of people. It's the Betazoid in her. ;-) And she really does want an XO who will push her when she needs to be pushed, and reel her in if for some reason, she's going too far. Of course, Command, in their infinite wisdom, has chosen to try and have the advisory board fill that role, rather than depend on a pair of officers to be the be-all-end-all of Federation decision making in the Delta Quadrant. We'll see how that pans out.
Thanks again for the review.
Date: 02 Feb 2010 20:30 Title: Command Team
That's pretty cool-nice to know where Adele stood with Starfleet before she got her big shot...I can understand her trepidation at having an ex-Borg on the ship, especially as her XO, but Icheb has many more advantages than disadvantages.
Nice work kes. :)
Author's Response:
Thanks, trekfan! Adele was less than enthused about the choice, that's for sure, but they've got seven years to get used to each other ... well, assuming the Resistance decides to return him, anyway. And Icheb's advantages may considerably outweigh his disadvantages, but the disadvantages have certainly taken center stage for the moment on their mission. We'll see what happens ... glad you enjoyed this peek into the recent past, though!