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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 May 2013 05:21 Title: Chapter 6

Well, Sarine seems really shaken by what happened with Rhodes and I can't say I blame him. War wounds don't heal easily and even when they are better, they are reopened pretty easily too. Sarine has done well holding it all together but it looks like he's checked out, leaving his loyal friend and XO Prin to step up.

Step up she did but I agree with her, he def needs to be in the lead here and showing a good front. Even as hard as it has to be with the guilt from Bajor weighing on him, he needs to put up a good front for the crew ... they need him as a leader.

A good chapter. Look forward to more.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Oct 2010 23:38 Title: Chapter 6

One problem at a time ... huh not aboard the Redemption! Not aboard the Redemption! Problems don't come in ones around here. A terrifc chapter showing Sarine out of sorts, Prin seeing just how much but also mad at herself for not noticing what was up with Dax. And whilst she can see how professional Astrid has gotten she isn't likely to equate that with Astrid's secret personality. Likewise the look of menace at the end. A heck of a lot on her plate - nevermind departing, traversing subspace using the quantum slipstream before the mission in earnest begins. Well done.

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