Date: 14 May 2013 04:24 Title: Chapter 5
Oh boy. Past decisions coming back to haunt everyone in this chapter. Sarine discovers that he has two days missing from his memory, then Captain Rhodes and the tragedy of Bajor ... and now Dax, who finally comes forward and tells the truth. But the truth very much confined him and did not set him free.
It was a pretty tense chapter, not a lot of good feelings about, especially with the reliving of so many past sins. Between Sarine's decisions and Dax's, I'm not sure who I feel more sympathy for. Dax has tried to tell the truth but has been dealt with ... it's within Sarine's rights to do more to him but he seems to be taking out some of his anger on the Rhodes situation on Dax.
Now the question is, where do things go from here? It seems the mission is unraveling faster than Sarine can keep up with.
Well done on this chapter. The tense atmosphere, even amongst a supposedly nice dinner, was communicated well. The way Sarine reacted to Rhodes was a gut punch for sure to him and to me ... I felt it. The horrors of war do not end when the war ends, they live and perputuate.
Date: 24 Oct 2010 23:31 Title: Chapter 5
Flip me pink!
Ok - so this was going to be my opening line of the review: “Ted. You can call me Captain.” I just loved the comedic timing of it all. However, the rest of the chapter just blew that out of the water! One great big revelation after the other. Truly wow. From Bael learning that he is missing two days. Very key in all likelihood to whyever the Lauranti wanted Sarine to be the man in charge of the Restoration mission. It remains mysterious and damned intriguing.
Then we see the fate of Bajor revealled in a personal confrontation of his 'sins'. The destructive energy that wrought devastation to Bajor and DS9 was at Sarine's hand alone - he can't deny that nor does he. Benjamini wants to hurt and scar and maybe unsettle Sarine by having Rhodes as part of the escort. It's a way to undermine him and maybe she even hopes to have an automatic bit of support in the C.O. of the Rhodes. It is also a way of undermining Sarine in front of the other captains by reminding them of his past. Damned cold and calculating. You gotta love to hate her!
Then Haebron taking control of Dax is revealed to the captain. He is rightly outraged. Though there is a dark parallel to his own missing two days and whatever may have happened in that time that Sarine does not want to face up to either. Fascinating to have a peek at the Trill Symbiont fate during the war too as well the fate of Bajor. So much to take onboard in this chapter. Just awesome.
Date: 20 Jan 2010 15:42 Title: Chapter 5
I’m going to have to jump on the bandwagon here. Benjamani’s actions in maneuvering Ba’el and Captain Rhodes into a room together were simply… loathsome. I really hope she gets what’s coming to her, and then some.
Dax revealing his ‘problem’ with Haebron appears to be a day late and a dollar short, at least as far as Ba’el is concerned. And the captain has a valid point. Haebron could have done anything to anyone, even endangered the entire ship and/or mission while in control.
And now there’s the matter of a potentially missing two days while Ba’el was with the Laurentii. Missing time. That’s never a good thing.
A whole host of crises threatens to engulf the Redemption, and she’s hardly set out on her first official mission.
Damn. Just… damn