Date: 14 May 2013 04:10 Title: Chapter 4
Well, now the VOY question has been answered. Ianto as an EMH? Hmm. I liked the way you tied in "Message in a Bottle" here and how the Doctor had to remain in the AQ. I'm sure he must have missed the VOY crew deeply but he landed with good people I imagine. Whatever happened to him must have been tough for Ianto not to mention it ... but there aren't many happy endings where the Dominion are involved. His idea seems sound and should be very interesting.
Ah, Kalara. She may just be my favorite character of the bunch. Her family life is complicated and the guilt trip her mother is putting her on is expected. It has to be tough serving in Starfleet while her brothers are facing one another in a war ... well done on her thought processes and the way she defends herself against her mother's accusation that she's failing their house.
Author's Response: Yeah, I loved this story arc just for the ability to throw in these references back to VOY and what went on there. I hope to be able to get some more of this in as the story progresses. Kalara seems to be most everybody's favourite, though personally I seem to have the most fun writing Qwert! :) I'm glad that her complicated family life worked for you, and the idea of her brothers facing each other across the divide is one that I would like to come back to at some point in a different setting.
Date: 24 Oct 2010 23:14 Title: Chapter 4
I've already raved about how good a character Kalara is. But you don't duck out and leave her at that. Here we see how she is shaped and defies her family, her mother, her father, the teachings of the cleric, her wayward brothers who have each sought out their honour in their own ways. It all adds to a fuller picture that warrants greater appreciation. In addition to this, we see a glimpse of Klingon society as a whole. The Schism has torn asunder not just society and the culture of the Klingons but Klingon families too. Kalara has then to contend with as her method of attaining honour is deemed unhonourable by her mother and her heirs polluted blood. Smack in the face or what? Continually enthralling and terrific story telling.
Date: 19 Jan 2010 12:31 Title: Chapter 4
And here Kalara takes on even greater depth as we learn of her tumultuous relationship with her proud mother. There are more cards stacked against this woman than I can count, but she continues to strike out and complete her duty as she sees fit, even if it causes her the loss of her ship and rank in the process.
The additional background on Kalara’s siblings is also greatly appreciated.