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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 May 2013 03:57 Title: Chapter 3

Oh, Astrid. A plotting, scheming, little spy. She's already got Colin under her spell and goodness knows what that might mean for the future. Is she here to sabotage the negotiations? It seems that way. It seems she plays a part in the bad things that happen in the future.

And poor Dax. Haebron is abad, bad, bad, man and seems to have finally gotten enough control to operate freely. What is he planning to do? Some sort of purge? A removal of the symbiot? Eagerly anticipating more.

Other observations: Really liked the way you described Spy Astrid and the way she operates. She seems to know what she's doing and her senses are fine tuned. The way the scene in her quarters went was conveyed quite well, the action and emotion blending in seemlessly.

Author's Response: Astrid's plan is slightly more complex than sabotaging the negotiations, and the people who are backing her may not be what you expect. And nicely spotted, ie. her role in the future events referenced in the first chapter. Haebron at this point does not really have a definitive plan. He is just reacting, not really thinking. However there is a lot more to him than might appear at first. Thanks for the comment on Astrid, glad it worked for you!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Oct 2010 23:01 Title: Chapter 3

A bad, bad case of multiple personalities ALL round! Astrid's spy background is yet ANOTHER thread I must remember to keep in mind. Boys it is hard keeping all of this in the head. How you do it, write it and plan/make it up as you go along is mind-boggling! LOL!

But boys oh boys, Haebron taking such full control of Dax is truly frightening. This cannot end good. Is he about to admit all to the captain?

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2010 12:30 Title: Chapter 3

Holy crap!  Not only do we discover that Haebron has taken control of Jasto and has, ‘come out to play’ but that Williams herself possesses an equally dangerous alter-ego. There are so many divided loyalties here, so many plots within schemes within machinations as to make one’s head spin… but you’re keeping a tight reign on all of these threads and guiding them towards… well, I don’t know yet, but I’ve no doubt it will be glorious.

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