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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Apr 2010 19:43 Title: Chapter 40

Beckley is not only a sly SOB, but also an oppurtunists; I don't know if leaving him alone with the Borg is a good plan.

And we continue to see Maren and John, slowly but surely moving towards one another...fascinating. ;)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 20 Dec 2009 11:57 Title: Chapter 40

This chapter gives us a brief respite between the previous action and whatever waits in store for the crew when they finally meet Icheb’s captors. John has a chance to catch his breath, but soon discovers that Icheb has been abducted right on the heels of Maren’s injuries. I’m sure this will turn his guilt over the kiss with Maren into a tangled ball of angst and regret as he contemplates what might transpire if they are unable to retrieve Icheb.

Adele is unfortunate enough to have Beckley nipping at her heels, and takes her first opportunity to ditch him in the brig. Whatever his reasons for being there, Beckley’s presence is disruptive to the smooth operation of the senior staff (as I’m sure he knows) as various personnel are constantly looking over their shoulders and second-guessing themselves when he’s around. Not to mention that he just plain gives Captain Oyugo the creeps.

These were some terrific character moments right in the placid eye of the storm. Soon, the other eye-wall will threaten to sweep them right back into the chaos.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review and the stars, Gibraltar!  I appreciate it!

I don't think there's much breath-catching going on for poor John.  More like breath-holding as he waits to find out more about what's become of his friend and also waits to see how Maren will react to the whole thing.  He's not much for sitting around in a crisis, either, so the fact that he's just sitting there next to Maren is kind of a sign of how important she is to him and how badly he thinks she might react to the news of Icheb's kidnapping.

Beckley is definitely disruptive, but he's also SI.  The chance to analyze drones fresh from the Collective is a rare opportunity, one that he's not about to pass up if he can help it, whether that's "officially" his job or not.  And yes, he gives Adele the creeps.

The eye wall is coming, but I'm glad you liked the small breather to see the characters reacting to what's happening.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Dec 2009 00:05 Title: Chapter 40

Fubba wubba!

Well words sorta fail me as this chapter kicks up the gurgling excitement in my gut as to whaat this is leading up to. And if the Admiral is at a loss as to what is going on then I am certainly at a loss. This is one terrific piece of story-telling.

Here we have emotion and changing scenes zipping pass at breakneck speeds and the urgency and immediacy of the chapter jsut hooks you in. I don't know why it all feels so urgent ... but it does! And that makes me nervous for some reason.

You reveal and hold back things and it is EXTREMELY effective at keeping the reader on tenderhooks. I swear this tale comes with a secret supply if ketrecel white to get us addicted. Super stuff kes7.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind review, MF!  I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if you're "at a loss" and "words fail" you!  Hehe.

Reviewer: Funngunner Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2009 20:36 Title: Chapter 40

Oh, Tesseract and the horrible, terrible, no good very bad day. Great work here, especially the scene involving John's arrival in the brig. Given the perspective through the eyes of a junior officer was a nice touch, and helped remind us of the mysteriousness of the Borg -- particularly to this new generation of officers that don't remember the horror of Wolf 359 and Sector 001.

I have to admit, even in the middle of the dramatic sequence in sickbay, I kinda chuckled at John's answer to "How did you get in here" By walking! Nice, apparently he's not really in the mood for bullshit questions today.

And, I hate to say it, I kinda agree with Admiral's perspective here. It's hard to accept giving aid and comfort to such a deadly enemy, and well ... the idea of a unknown race with this advanced tech is pretty damned terrifying. I would be hard pressed not to remind the Captain that all personnel aboard a ship are at times expendable. Including the first officer.

Author's Response:

Yes, the crappiness continues.  Adele and her poor crew.  The Borg are a curiosity to the younger officers, for sure.  Even Icheb is interesting to them.  They've grown up hearing about the horrors of the Collective, but they've never really seen it firsthand.  And there's nothing remotely similar to compare them to.

John is not in the mood for bullshit questions nor emotional interrogation by nosy, gossipy doctors.   He's part of the "having a very bad day" club.

We'll see what the Admiral suggests.  We'll also see what Adele thinks of Maren's choices ...

Thanks for the great review!


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