Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 May 2010 19:51 Title: Lone Wolf

Excellent. Top notch manipulation there by Eric. And the bit about Chairman Baker didn't go unnoticed, either. I reall want you to continue this...

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Dec 2009 07:50 Title: Lone Wolf

Johannsen is a cold, calculating bastard, but we do see glimpses of humanity (or would that be half-humanity?) from time to time.  Not that I don't think he wouldn't strangle Li in a flat second if it suited his purposes, but then the man's got to have priorities, right?  ;-)

So, now we hear the sound of the other shoe falling, or at the very least preparing to fall.  We still don't know who's behind this potential threat, or why, but I'm guessing it won't be too terribly long before we find out.

Author's Response: Indeed he is. Like most he has his good and bad points, good and bad being rather relative when it comes to someone like that. You really think he'd hurt Li? Sweet, innocent Li? OK, I know I'm not fooling anyone, so I won't even try. Let's just say it's easy to stay on Eric's good side. Just don't get in his way.

Something is going on, for sure. Is it related to what the Chairman and the physicist spoke of in the board meeting? Well...that remains to be seen!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03 Dec 2009 13:55 Title: Lone Wolf

Oh, my God.  Eric is as creepy as Beckley!  Sorry to reference my own story here, but WOW.  What a masterful manipulator.  Maybe some of Li's semi-hidden idealism will rub off on him?  I wonder what his motives are, deep down.  You just made him much, much more interesting.  Wow.

Clearly, something bad is going on here with the attack on Cochrane and the concealment of it from Eric by Rencorp.  I think our friends on the Molly Magee are in trouble.

I like the reference to tension between Earth and the Moonies and the worry over an interplanetary incident.  Very interesting, and it makes sense that this soon after a world war and prior to the discovery that we're not the only people in the universe, we wouldn't quite have outgrown that kind of behavior, yet.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Eric and Beckley might find in one another kindred spirits of a sort, although I doubt either would take much comfort or derive much enjoyment from that fact. He's definitely manipulative, but is it to an evil end? I guess we'll have to see.

Something is afoot, that's for sure.

It made sense to me that after a war there would be tension between the colony and Earth. Trek lore is fairly sketchy about the time period overall, but at least in my 'verse, Lunar One stayed out of the Earth conflict, watching from afar in fear and disgust. It made things very difficult for them for some time, but it's one of the things that helped to make them so self sustaining and self sufficient. It's only natural that now they'd view Earthers and Earth motives with a degree of mistrust, having become the haves instead of the have nots in that political dynamic. I say this in the commentary simply because there isn't room or reason to go into that kind of depth on that particular detail in the story, but perhaps it helps to make their attitude make more sense. Thanks for taking the time to review!

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