Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Dec 2009 20:58 Title: Settling In

I enjoyed that. After the rough life these people have been thru a little down time is deserved. The bit about the cherry trees kinda hit me-I'm a firm believer in caring for the Earth.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm a firm believer in that, too, part of the tragedy of the thought of mass scale global destruction. What's going on even in our world is bad enough, but thinking about so many beautiful places completely slagged is a sobering thought. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2009 09:25 Title: Settling In

Once again you've captured some wonderful character interactions and some poignant reflections on all that's been lost on a post-apocalyptic Earth.  I loved the 'girls' bonding, especially adding Li to their number and making sure they were enjoying a day out and about on Lunar One.

Author's Response: I felt like they could use a little R&R given what they've been through and what has been going on. Benny had fun hanging with the gals, too. He, Sam, and Ginny are very close in age. Li's somewhat older but still likes to have the chance to let her hair down now and then. Glad you enjoyed!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2009 14:00 Title: Settling In

Oh, my goodness! This was phenomenal! I have to say, maybe you should divorce this story from the Trekiverse while there's still time and try to get it published! I would happily pay money for this story. (Of course, I say this not knowing where it's headed, so maybe it's more tied to Trek than it seems so far ... but for now, even as a stand alone story, it delivers.)

By the way, how many potential shipper pairings do you have in this story, now? Ian/Diane, Ian/Sam, Sam/Stryker (haha, just seeing if you were paying attention!), Ginny/Eric, Ginny/Benny, Li/Eric, Li/Benny, Diane/Sledge? Am I leaving anyone out?

Benny shows his natural kindness by looking out for Diane. I was really surprised when Diane came out and opened up to him. I guess he's that kind of person, though, a safe person. I liked how he couldn't sleep because the bed was too soft. That felt very true.

Li also surprised me here by coming out of her shell a bit. That was nice to see. She seems so lonely! It was very kind of Sam to make sure she felt comfortable and included, and best of all, useful, treating her comparatively privileged life as a just another experience to draw on and not an object of envy. I also really liked her remembrances of Earth pre-nuclear war, and how it led into her feelings regarding the lunar colony vs. the Hubs. Great stuff. Then, the return to her room, and an urgent message ... that'll teach her to leave the Crackberry -- oops, I mean, personal comm -- at home. I wonder what's up?

Oh, and you totally sold me on the lunar colony. Sounds like a nice place!

The characterizations and descriptions in this chapter were simply wonderful. I loved it. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Wow, that's so amazingly flattering. I'm something of a weenie when it comes to the idea of trying to get published. I don't even know why. I don't think it's fear of rejection. Probably the opposite. lol Thank you, though. That means a lot to hear.

Ugh! I can't believe you figured out that Sam and Stryker are secretly in love. Now I have to scrap that altogether. Maybe I'll pair Stryker and Henderson instead, turn this into some sort of middle age Yaoi tale of improbably luuv. I bet NOBODY saw that coming!

I was a little surprised Diane opened up to him, too, but I think it's like you said. He presents a safe front. He's not the sort who'd take anything somebody told him and twist it to his own ends, and people around him can see that about him.

The Crackberry. hehe Some say cell phones are a modern convenience. I call them a modern evil. Yes, Li is a lonely person and has been for a very long time. Maybe she'll retain some lessons about opening up after this assignment is over, or maybe she won't get the chance. Dun dun duunnnnnnn! Just saying. :D Heck, I'd like to go to the lunar colony! Thanks for the awesome feedback. Hopefully the next installment won't be two months in coming. :X

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