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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jun 2012 12:29 Title: Chapter 37

You do a good job with the Borg; their method of attack seems very similar to that shown in TNG with Q Who and The Best of Both Worlds.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Apr 2010 19:21 Title: Chapter 37

WHOA. It seems the shat has it the fan-Borg in engineering, maren on a sucicide mission, and Telek staying behind; Go Telek, save the day!

Reviewer: Funngunner Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2009 01:06 Title: Chapter 37

Sweet mother of all that is metal and unnerving...

You did a great job of reacquainting us with a new -- and hopefully more terrifying -- Borg Collective. Excellent work building the tension only to suddenly have it break with the "oh shit" arrival of those Swedish cyborgs in Engineering.

Oh, and look, that romantic entanglement sub-plot you had worried so much about blended in quite nicely in a cliffhanger.

Which means... we all want more... now... please?

Author's Response:

The first line of your review made me laugh out loud.

Thanks for the review, stars and compliments!  Though, my poor characters are saying "HOPEFULLY more terrifying?  Who is this guy and why does he want us to die?" Hehe.

Glad you liked the blending of the romantic stuff with the cliffhanger stuff.

More coming soon ... editing.  Endless editing.  It's written but it needs some work.  It's coming, though!  Soon!  (I hope!)

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2009 06:49 Title: Chapter 37

This is such a brilliantly paced chapter from start to finish. It kept me completely on the edge of my seat, and of course, I'm still there since I don't know what happens next!

I still can't believe it was any sort of coincidence that the ship dropped out of slipstream the moment they decoded that device. The Borg have always been a particularly menacing and disconcerting threat. You've done a great job staying true to that feeling. Awesome!

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

It may not be a coincidence that they fell out of slipstream next to the Borg, but they are using a secure workstation.  So if there's a trap on that device, it's more likely to be a trap of the informational variety.   Whether it is a trap, I won't say!

I'm happy you find the Borg threatening.  I thought they lost some (okay, maybe all) of their scary during VOY's run, so I saw the events of Endgame as a chance to fix that.  The Collective has changed quite a bit since we last saw them.  They're leaner, meaner, and a little smarter now.

Thanks for the reviews!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2009 18:47 Title: Chapter 37

Boy oh boy. Your story has from the start promised action because of the mission and the brief little snatches of Borg activity so far in the story has merely teased. Now here we are confronted with the mighty and very real presence of the Borg. Our Swedish friends have coem for a visit without an invitation and these are one party crashers no-one wants. So the build up to the Borg appearance somewhat had to have you under pressure to produce somehting epic in scale without being OTT or completely wrecking the possibility of escape or victory. It therefore should be categorically stated that you have suceeded in making the Borg Collective scary in how you've handled this big appearance. Their contact and behaviour [scanning and boarding to assess the technology] is very much in the mould of early TNG Borg - faceless and impersonnal. It makes them much more frightening and formiddable seeming. It also helps that you add multiple drama threads - with Icheb overwhelmed - eek how scary to be confronted with a personal nemesis and to hear the collective again - Adele trying to steer a path through the emotions of the bridge crew and face this daunting prospect that ahs to have filled her with dread from the very onset of the mission not to mention her own personal score with the Borg - to security John trapped outside Engineering helpless and wanting to do something at any time never mind when the person he kissed only the night before with a huge gumult of emotion and guilt attached trapped inside with four Borg drones. Scary and horrifying situations for all and then it comes to Maren!!!! Talk about a hangover from hell! I have a feeling after this she will either never drink again or decide to hit the bottle big time. Awesome drama. Oh and a little aside love the technical aspects of this [and before I forget - what did cause the slipstream to fail?? uh oh] from the slipstream failure and the pause before weapons and shields are operable - whilst a very vulnerable aspect to the Tesseract makes sense considering the huge power conserves it would require. We also get different persons using headsets to more readily access information and navigate the computers. Cool technology advancement in terms of the timeline development. OH and as much as a surprise as it is for the crew I imagine there ought to have been a few raised eyebrows aboard the Borg cude too when they meet a Borg cube of their own clad in Federation technology. So how will Adele manage with this emergency? How will John attempt to help Maren? What can Maren do? Her bravery has entrapped herself and doomed herself to a death or assimilation possibly? Are these Borg the same as the others we've met in the story? What is their score? What about Icheb? How did the slipstream fail? Was that the result of the bouy interference? So many questions! Agh!

Author's Response:

Wow, MF!  Where to start?  Thanks for the very thorough feedback on this chapter!

I guess I'll start with your assessment of the Borg.  Their behavior is definitely meant to evoke that early TNG feeling.  This is a very different Collective than the one we left behind in "Endgame."  I'm glad you found them sufficiently frightening.  They're an intimidating bunch of Swedes, that's for sure, and they've learned a few hard lessons since we last saw them.

Icheb hasn't been anywhere near the Collective for eight years now.  No matter how firmly established in his "humanity" (he's not really human at all, obviously, but I suppose he's sort of adopted their culture in the ways that count) he is, it's got to be a powerful thing to hear the call of "perfection" after so long.  On VOY, we saw Seven moved by it more than once, particularly in the episode "Drone."  Of course, now he's not hearing them at all, because he's out cold on the deck of the bridge.  There goes the insider advantage!

Adele definitely has some demons to contend with during this battle, both her own and those the crew is able to "share" with her thanks to her empathic abilities.  That can't be fun.  We'll see how she handles it ...

Oh, and yes, poor John, stuck outside while Maren's inside with a bunch of drones.  If Adele thought he lost his objectivity during the away mission, she doesn't even want to know what's going through his head right now.  

Maren is having the worst week ever, and it may get far, far worse before it gets better.  You know, if she makes it through the next five minutes, that is.

I'm very glad you liked the technological aspects of this.  I thought they'd have at least a few upgrades on a ship this advanced, this far after Endgame.  But yeah, the slipstream drive takes a ton of power, and you can't just flip a switch and turn it off, either.  It takes some time to make the transition.  It's not a hugely long, drawn out time, just a couple of minutes, but every second counts when you're facing off with a Borg cube that somehow caught you by surprise just as your slipstream mysteriously ended ... wait, how did that happen?  Hehe.  We'll see.

The Borg ... they're definitely intrigued by the Tesseract.  The similarities haven't escaped them, and neither have the differences.

As for all those great questions ... they'll be answered -- just not today!  ;-)  Thanks again for the awesome, awesome review.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2009 06:38 Title: Chapter 37

Wow, this went sideways very quickly with the arrival of the Borg. Implacable as ever, they've set about doing what they do best, and unfortunately for Maren, she's in their unwavering sights.  

Icheb, Tesseract's resident Borg expert, is out of the fight already and the fun has barely even begun.  

You've got me on the edge of my seat!

Author's Response:

They definitely got taken by surprise.  If they hadn't been pulled out of slipstream (How did that happen, anyway?  Hmmm.), they'd have been much more prepared.

Maren is definitely having a crappy week that doesn't seem to be getting better.  So is Icheb.  If I were them, I'd probably be considering stealing a Saber-class and hightailing it back to Earth at slipstream speed, but that's why I'm not in Starfleet.  (Well, that and the fact that it doesn't exist!)

I hope being on the edge of your seat is a good thing!

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