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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jun 2012 12:08 Title: Chapter 35

Look's like Icheb's secret may be revealed after Bashir examines him; Bashir is good, almost as good as the doctor plus far more cunning... Nice way of using a party to continue a plot by the way; something that seems trivial (one Ensign's apparent hallucination) may turn out to be rather important.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Apr 2010 19:09 Title: Chapter 35

Oh dear-so the Borg seem to be quite real, and poor Marcus got put on report-bummer man. Throwing a party and having a Vulcan there just don't mix. Well, let's hope Icheb passes his exam...

Author's Response:

Yes, sucks to be Marcus.  We'll see what happens with Icheb ...

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2009 06:30 Title: Chapter 35

Poor Marcus, but all of them had an excellent point. It wasn't his call to make to keep that to himself. Hopefully, it's something he can learn from that will make him a better officer in the future.

I'm always impressed with how you write Vulcans. T'Pring is one of my favorite secondary characters. I hope in time that there's some room to see some more personal development for her.

I have a feeling Icheb is fooling himself if he thinks he can pull one over on Dr. Bashir. This isn't the man's first dog and pony show. I liked this follow up chapter to the party quite a bit!

Author's Response:

Yeah, poor Marcus.  He's just such a newbie.  He'll probably learn and grow from this, but it will be a lot for the kid to live with if his poor judgment results in anything terrible happening.

Thanks re: Vulcans.  T'Pring seems well loved across the board.  She's senior staff, so I imagine she'll be showing up pretty often.  She's not the most talkative person, though, so development could take a while compared to the chattier characters.

Icheb is quietly coming to terms with the fact that this isn't Federation space, and he doesn't have an endless supply of mediocre intellects around him anymore to help him follow Starfleet regs in letter, but not spirit.  He's on a ship with some of the best and brightest, including Bashir.  (Not to mention his ex-fiancee, who may not be willing to cover for him anymore.)  He's going to have to take a good hard look at his own paranoia and distrust and examine whether it's really justified. Assuming he survives the next chapter.  Dun Dun DUN!  (Two can play that game ... only, who says it's a game?  Dun dun DUNNNNNN!)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 20:16 Title: Chapter 35

Hiding things from the captain is not a good thing. Icheb should learn from Marcus' getting caught out. In this Marcus and icehb are not alone. Iden Nix for all her stormy words with Maren had also better catch the problem with the buoy or else there might be a big bite in the ass for the crew. Dear oh dear, Adele only has suspicions as to how bad things might be.

Loved the captain slapping the crew down. And T'Pring is just priceless. Love her style and approch. Monitoring the drunken antics of party revellers for a science report is just marvellous. You've elevated her from a mere cardboard cut out Vulcan, which can be a very difficult thing for fanfiction stories to do, by using her formal tones, logical approach and analytical skills to inject humour and wonderful interaction without being OTT or cliche or fake. It all comes off as plausible and real and not convoluted. P.S. just who do you imagine playing her part?

Good stuff all round kes7, as per usual and congrats on passing over 100 reviews for your story. Worthy stuff.

Author's Response:

Hiding things is not such a great idea.  Of course, Icheb's been doing it so long now it's almost second nature.  Iden isn't hiding anything, though -- she just doesn't know what happened with the buoy.  She's not negligent, she's just been technologically outclassed.  We'll see what happens there ...

Adele definitely smacked Marcus down, but it's for his own good.  He's about as green as green gets, and needs to learn some lessons that the Academy couldn't teach him.

Oh, and I'm glad you like T'Pring.  She's fun to write.  I hadn't really thought about who could play her ... any suggestions?  Dark hair, lighter complexion, early to mid 30s?

Thanks for the awesome review, MF!  And thanks for the congrats, as well.  I was excited about passing 100!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Nov 2009 07:10 Title: Chapter 35

This was a terrific chapter on a lot of levels.

Nobody likes getting pulled in front of the captain on short notice, most especially right out of a party involving potent alien alcohol! Poor Lindley takes it on the chin here, after deciding to hold his tongue after the actual incident. But, it's been said that a person's career doesn't really begin until their first major screw-up. That's when their superiors learn what they're made of by whether they take responsibility for their mistake and learn from them.

But this sighting now makes whatever information is contained by the Borg encrypted memory card that much more important.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Gibraltar, glad you liked it!

Yeah, poor Lindley.  His own fault, really, but you have to feel bad for the guy.  He throws a party and gets hauled in to see the Captain by his guests.

The pressure's on for Maren and Icheb to figure out what's on that chip.

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