Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Nov 2009 14:52 Title: Executive Decision

Glad to see Sledge take the opportunity for the corporate upgrades to the ship.  Here's hoping they don't come with too many strings attached.

McLeod and Jones butt heads and no prisoners are taken.  I have to keep reminding myself that these are hard people who've endured more than their fair share of loss and heartache simply by virtue of the age they live in.  Both Ian and Diane could have handled this better, but it appears so much has gone unsaid for so long that when the words finally tumbled out after Ian's revelation that he and Sam were now together... it turned into an avalanche of pain, guilt, and recrimination.

Damn.  Fine.  Stuff.

Author's Response: Thank you. They are both hard people, and neither one of them is accustomed to fighting fair. How far down they're going to go is something we have yet to see, or whether they can even salvage a basic friendship after this.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Nov 2009 21:10 Title: Executive Decision

That was cool. Necessary, I suppose. I'm impatient to see what the Corp has in store for them....

Author's Response: Time will tell. :D Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Oct 2009 11:45 Title: Executive Decision

Oh, man.  What a mess.  Poor Diane.  Poor Ian, too, but he went and made that complicated all on his own.  (And though the low-g wrestling was cute and funny, I felt bad for Sam when Ian convinced her to take the shower ... she's falling for him a little bit and he's in love with Diane.  He is acting like a buggering drongo.  I don't have more than the faintest idea what that actually means, but I'm guessing from context since they say it so much, hehe)  And now they're all staying on ... well played, PSGarak.  This is going to be fun.

Did Eric actually flirt with Ginny?   Did I see that?

I liked the look inside Sledge's mind in this chapter.  He seems like a good guy.  Cares about his crew and all that.  I wonder what the story was with him and Diane.

I'm intrigued by this overhaul ... wondering how much the AI has to do with it, and what Rencorp wants with the Molly Magee and her crazy crew when they appear to have the money for their own cargo shuttle and crew of boring corporate types.  And I'm wondering how much of this is up to Eric and to what extent he's just taking orders from others.

Continually great stuff.

Author's Response: A buggering drongo in Kiwi-speak is a damned idiot. :D Now you know! It does seem that Ian isn't being exactly honorable with his intentions or actions regarding Sam. How aware he is of that fact is a different question.

Eric's statement was flirtatious. Was it directed at Ginny or designed to make Benny uncomfortable? hehe

Sledge does care about his crew. For all of his flaws, he's a decent man. What Rencorp really wants and how much Eric knows are mysteries to be answered at a later date. Thanks for the awesome review!

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