Date: 05 Jun 2012 17:03 Title: Chapter 33
That was a really funny story of Adele's actually! I have to admit you are pretty versatile at writing dialogue for all sorts of situations: professional stuff, romance, family, meeting people, all sorts. I also liked that little bit about what happened after the Endeavour's encounter with the Borg; and its captain and Adele sharing a heart-felt moment mourning over the loss of their crewmates.
Date: 20 Apr 2010 17:40 Title: Chapter 33
An end to the little get together with the firewater, and Adele seems to have brached out a bit. Good tidings for them there.
Author's Response:
Yeah, maybe this should have been a "deleted scene" but it somehow made the cut. Slow pacing, but Adele really needed to connect with a friend and I wanted to establish that connection in a natural way and not have it feel forced or rushed. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 02 Nov 2009 18:30 Title: Chapter 33
A nice, relaxing wrap-up to Adele and Julian's pleasant evening. I've glad to see the captain letting her proverbial hair down a bit. Julian's right... if she doesn't find some friends and confidants, it's going to be a long, lonely, and dreary seven years in the Delta Quadrant for her.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, Gibraltar!
Date: 29 Oct 2009 23:53 Title: Chapter 33
A very tender little moment of reflection on Adele's part and nicely placed in the overall story fitting perfectly with the happy memories. Really well written bitter-sweet moments can be trciky and even tacky if not handled correctly. No such problem here. You neither lingered or hammered the point. Instead you gave us a careful and considered glimpse of one of Adele's most difficult moments in life. Deftly done. She impresses all the time - just like the author. Also the doctor too played his part in a very cool and subdued way. Nicely done kes7. A great scene and what an embarrassment for the poor captain. Hee hee.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Miranda Fave. I tried to convey the emotional craziness of that time period for everyone on the Endeavour without going over the line into hammering the point, like you said. It's part of who Adele is, and hopefully sheds a little light on her character. I'm glad you think I succeeded. I'm also trying to keep Julian fairly low-key at the moment, as he is much older and wiser now than he was even in season seven, by which point I think he had grown up a lot. The goal with him is to age him naturally from where we saw him last ... it's tricky, but I hope I'm pulling it off.
Date: 29 Oct 2009 21:25 Title: Chapter 33
The Ferengi story had me laughing. I can imagine the little trolls all laughing uproariously at something like that. Of course, I would, too! Bashir is right. Adele (one "L"!) does need friends. She'll need them even more when Beckley's machinations come into play. Muahahahaha! Muahahahahaaha! Did I say that? :O
Author's Response:
And who better than Julian to step up to that particular challenge? ;-)
Glad you liked the Ferengi story. They do remind me of trolls.
Adele is disappointed that she can't add another L to her growing collection.
Thanks for the review!