Reviews For A Game of Stones
Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Nov 2009 09:43 Title: A Power Piece in Play
Author's Response: Mila is a real treasure. The actress who portrayed her on DS9 put so much strength and character into her that it was pretty easy to see her being tough as nails and smart as a whip even at a younger age. I'm glad you liked the chapter! Thank you!
Date: 29 Nov 2009 09:43 Title: A Power Piece in Play
Tain's incredibly fortunate to have as trusted an competant a person as Mila assisting him. In his present circumstances, he's unable to do much for himself, and when he's at his most vulnerable, too.
Nice to see that Mila made the most of her little undercover assignment.
Author's Response: Mila is a real treasure. The actress who portrayed her on DS9 put so much strength and character into her that it was pretty easy to see her being tough as nails and smart as a whip even at a younger age. I'm glad you liked the chapter! Thank you!
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Oct 2009 00:11 Title: A Power Piece in Play
Author's Response: Mila is a lioness. So far she has been fairly lucky in addition to using her skills. Let's just hope luck doesn't run out. Whoever is playing this game with Tain is playing for keeps. :D
Date: 30 Oct 2009 00:11 Title: A Power Piece in Play
Crikey. Mila continues to impress and to oncreasingly and impressively impress. She has guts that's for sure. Terrrific stuff and neat espionage trciks employed.
Author's Response: Mila is a lioness. So far she has been fairly lucky in addition to using her skills. Let's just hope luck doesn't run out. Whoever is playing this game with Tain is playing for keeps. :D
Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Oct 2009 05:39 Title: A Power Piece in Play
Author's Response: Well, technically she's being honest. That counts for something, right? She found all of this somewhat nerve-wracking, but living with Tain, one can't help but to pick up certain skills. It helps when he takes an active role in training.
Tolan has quickly become one of my favorite characters of the series. He's far from perfect, but he's a nice dose of normality in an otherwise very odd arrangement. I feel like I'm slowly getting a handle on carving out a writing schedule around the rest of my more active life. There's just no way it will ever be at the pace it was when I had no other distractions and was trying to keep from going stir crazy.
Thanks for the review and for keeping up with the Cardassians. :D
Date: 22 Oct 2009 05:39 Title: A Power Piece in Play
"Just" a housekeeper, my you-know-what.
Mila, super spy!
This was a cool chapter, interesting to see Mila taking on the role of an operative and handling things for Enabran.
Tolan is a good and patient man.
Eagerly awaiting more!
Author's Response: Well, technically she's being honest. That counts for something, right? She found all of this somewhat nerve-wracking, but living with Tain, one can't help but to pick up certain skills. It helps when he takes an active role in training.
Tolan has quickly become one of my favorite characters of the series. He's far from perfect, but he's a nice dose of normality in an otherwise very odd arrangement. I feel like I'm slowly getting a handle on carving out a writing schedule around the rest of my more active life. There's just no way it will ever be at the pace it was when I had no other distractions and was trying to keep from going stir crazy.
Thanks for the review and for keeping up with the Cardassians. :D