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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jun 2012 00:13 Title: Chapter 30

Ho ho! Julian is probably up to something, innocent, with Adele, and I sense this may be a precursor to first a friendship and then a relationship? I doubt the latter giving Adele (despite her nice personality) is more curmudgeonly than Picard when it comes to relationships (especially with ones subordinates)... In any case Adele might not be aware of Bashir's cunning or shrewdness...

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Mar 2010 19:48 Title: Chapter 30

Ha, good old John Q. How I love his affable attitude. I think the captain has warmed up a little to her crew since Day 1-now the question what the devil happened to the buoy?

Author's Response:

John's usually good for an ice breaker or a laugh.  He's a fun guy.  And yes, Adele is warming up to her (huge) crew little by little ... as for the buoy -- wait and see!  Thanks for the shower of reviews today, trekfan, it made my day!  I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2009 03:35 Title: Chapter 30

OK, I must've been on drugs or something when I read this chapter, because I could've sworn I reviewed it then. I'll echo what has been said about being happy to see Dr. Bashir getting to do what he does best, make others comfortable in uncomfortable situations and guiding them to do what's best for them without being an overbearing ass.

I'll be really interested to see what has Adelle off kilter like this. I doubt it's anything as simple as a change of life thing. I, too, have a theory, but I'm not much for sharing. :D I'll sit on it a while and see if it goes anywhere.

I'm sorry I didn't review because I read this a while back, and as I said, I could've sworn that I did. Old age and treachery are catching up with me.

Author's Response:

You DID review it.  ;-)  But that's okay, because I have another extra L for Adele, now. She collects them, you know.  Hehe.

Thanks for the additional commentary!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Oct 2009 21:31 Title: Chapter 30

Oh I have another theory as to why her empathic powers are acting up - similar to another theory about the gelpacks. Not the Medusan causing them to spoil nor the phase causing Adele - but the Admiral and whatever abilities he possesses. Of course, I'm very untrusting of him anyway and still think there's more to him than the very little we have learned thus far. But I will just have to wait and see. Now looking forward to the remainder of Adele's 'date' with Bashir and her meeting with Alvarez.

Author's Response:

Not Medusan ... Cairn.  :)  And you certainly are untrusting of Admiral Beckley.

Oh, and hee hee -- you heard Adele, it's NOT a "date."  Squee all you want, they barely know each other and maybe Julian's just being nice! 

Alvarez will be coming right up, though.  Already written and ready to post as soon as I get the rest of the chapter done.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 21:44 Title: Chapter 30

Ok, just one more time - squeee! I know I've been looking forward to some Adele and Bashir interaction and have some silly notion of the possibility they could be shipped together. The truth is, Adele needs such a relationship probably like a hole in the head but she definitely needs a friend. And the two of them shared a great bit of banter. One forgets the humour Julian had, not to mention his way of putting people at ease. Now will he be asking her to the holodeck next or for a game of darts?

Poor Adele. As if the mission in itself is not enough of a pain she now has to contend with the idea of having the Phase! Argh! How crappy.

And gleeful smiles with the bridge scene and John's reaction to it all. Hee heee. Again, more wonderful banter and fun.

Not so much banter and fun between Maren and Icheb though. One can see why the captain got a headache around them!

Now as for answers ... none at all. Instead, what does Alvarez want with Adele? What is the problem that Iden Nix has encountered [and I can so picture her now - hopefully this weekend kes7]? And just how bad is Claire's cooking? What trashy Betazed romance novel will Adele read?

Lots of little scenes and great character interactions. Fantastic weaving of character interactions and plot. Fab stuff kes7.

Author's Response:

LOL at "squeee!"  Bashir did have a nice sense of humor and was excellent at making his patients feel comfortable.  He also rarely hesitated to reach out to people when he sensed they needed it (at least once he got past that oblivious newbie phase).  Hmmm, holodeck or darts?  We'll see.

We'll also have to wait and see if she has The Phase, or if she's just having a crazy week, or if it's something else.

I thought the bridge scene was fun, too.  John is having a great few days on the bridge, getting to be part of all the action.  He's not normally assigned there unless it's night watch, and those people aren't as entertaining and don't have the same decision-making power. 

No, not so much banter or fun for Icheb and Maren.  I can't imagine that the overall mood in the engineering lab is going to improve once Icheb gets Bashir's message, either.

I'm going to try to have the next chapter up sooner than usual since this one was all set-up, so you'll soon find out what Alvarez wants, as well as how legendarily bad Claire's cooking is.  No promises of an immediate answer to Iden's issue ... in a couple of chapters, maybe.  I think everyone should go post ideas for Betazoid romance novel titles in my Tesseract thread on the forum, haha.  

Thanks for all the compliments and the awesome review, MF.  :)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 21:09 Title: Chapter 30

My goodness, a captain that actually goes to see the CMO without having to be ordered?! That's unheard of! Good on Adele for being proactive. And yikes that she could already be facing the equivalent of Betazoid menopause. Perhaps more likely that a saturation of 20-something angsty pheromones in her vicinity have caused a sudden jump in her telepathic senses.

Good stuff.

Author's Response:

It IS unusual, isn't it?  Captains are supposed to fear the CMO.  I'm pretty sure her exec fears the CMO enough for the both of them, though, so it's okay. 

Adele could be experiencing heightened awareness for any number of reasons ... Bashir was just suggesting one possibility.  We'll see.  Your theory is another possibility, seeing as her exec also has more than enough emotional angst to share.

Thanks for the review, and get well soon!

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