Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2009 11:51 Title: The Memory of Stars

Sam’s gesture here was wonderful, a selfless need to share the wonder of the unobstructed stars with the others.  Sometimes we get so caught up writing our Starfleet characters that we forget how something like staring at the naked stars could be close to a religious experience for people born in a different time.  This was an excellent way to underscore how bleak and harsh life has been for this post-WWIII generation.


Some terrific character moments here, most especially the hot little encounter between Sam and Ian.  There’s more than a little bit of chemistry there.


By the way, “A dead rat tied to a spatula,” made me laugh out loud. ;-)

Author's Response: Sam has a way of saying and doing things that really surprise me. She comes from some random, unfettered part of my brain, apparently. The dead rat on a spatula thing is something I don't think I'd personally say or even think in a million years without some character prompting. The same with her view of the stars and her gesture of kindness. That came out of left field. I'm glad you enjoyed the time spent with her, because I enjoyed writing it a lot.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 19:37 Title: The Memory of Stars

That was a real powerful segment. To see stars for the first time-Wow. Mind-blowing. And i like the teasing between Sam and McLeod, too.

Author's Response: Thank you! The emotion of her reaction surprised me, but it made a lot of sense upon reflection. The two of them are fun to write interacting, too.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 01:20 Title: The Memory of Stars

“Do you ever get tired of being the most disgusting person alive? I mean, seriously, I would think after a while it gets exhausting, and anyway, I wouldn't use my hands. I'd use a spatula or a dead rat. Probably a dead rat,” she said. “A dead rat tied to a spatula.”

Made.  Of.  Win.  I laughed out loud.

Oh, Ian.  You love Diane!  What are you doing?  Lord, I am such a pathetic shipper for those two.  Sam is fun, though.  And I loved her in this chapter.  She's not all feisty troublemaker, she's got a soft side. 

I loved Eric's reaction to the stars.  He is quickly becoming my second favorite character in this story (behind Ian, who must be John Quigley's distant relative/ancestor or something because seriously?  So.  Much.  Alike.  Love them both.). 

This was the best chapter yet for all the little character moments.  What a great way to play with their dynamics while keeping the story humming right along.  I know we all claim to hate the star system, but I can't not give this five.

Author's Response: Wow, thank you! I mean, seriously. Sam's soft side took me by surprise. She had that as a hidden facet, just waiting for the right moment to spring it out. I saw this chapter going entirely a different direction than it did, but I do have to say that if she and Stryker ever find common ground, I'll probably die of shock.

Yes, what is Ian doing, and what's going to happen when Diane finds out about it? He did tell Sam he'd tell her...

Eric has...reasons...for that reaction. Nothing is ever quite what it seems with him. Now that's an interesting idea, Ian as a distant ancestor. hehe Speaking of John, where has he been lately? Hmm? Hmmm??

Now that I understand better how the stars work, I'm not as opposed. I just felt guilty when I thought I was giving a really good rating on a couple of stories and it turned out as something like 3 1/2 instead of the 4 1/2 I had intended. Thanks again!!

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