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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2012 23:57 Title: Chapter 29

Rather unprofessional of Icheb knowing that he is a liability due to his hidden health problems. The plot thickens...

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Mar 2010 19:41 Title: Chapter 29

Icheb and Maren, still trying to work things out. Nothing like an awkward situation to bring the crew together ;)

Author's Response:

They're a mess, aren't they?  One step forward, two steps back ... thanks for the review!

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Oct 2009 01:32 Title: Chapter 29

Why do people lock important things in their desks away from their persons where anyone could come along, pick the lock, and steal it? Why do I think such devious things?

I loved this chapter. It's really nice to see Maren and Icheb inching closer toward resolving some of the issues that are still so heavy between them. At the least, they're getting better at working together.

I'm really curious about the Tyndorans and the Borg. Something very odd is going on there. Very odd. I know you'll reveal it in time, but I want to know now!! :D

Author's Response:

Because you're Elim f'ing Garak, that's why.  Haha.

I'm glad you liked the chapter.  Slowly, slowly, Icheb and Maren are remembering how to act like the adults they are supposed to be.  I kind of wish I'd written the prequel first, because these two used to be adorable together.  (Just take my word for it for now.)  Actually, if I ever finish the challenge piece I'm working on, some of that will be revealed!  But that's a big if.

We are inching toward some interesting revelations about what's on that data clip.  Wait and see ....

Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Oct 2009 18:33 Title: Chapter 29

One really has to feel for Maren. She's in quite a bind with the many problems and issues she faces with the ship and the circumstances. But on top of all that is this almost unrelenting pressure from Icheb.

He really is being a bit of an ass being so pushy. However, considering his Borg past, one can understand his poor social interactions and understanding of relationships. Not that I'd give him a free pass for his behaviour. He is XO of a massive ship and he is going to have to learn how to relate to others. And holding his condition over Maren like that - some sort of emotional blackmail ticking stopwatch - is fairly cold and heartless. Maren should have slapped his face off for that. At least her retort put him in the right.

And at the same time I can feel for Icheb. He only wants to make up for lost time and capitalise on the remaining time they might have. That and he does show a little commonsense and concern for Maren by making her report for some rest. That and the fact the two of them can bury their issues to work on the mystery package proves that he can do better than act like an ass.

Alas, for Adele their potent relationship problems are only another headache and it is clear that her headaches are only beginning. So the Borg encryption and the day dreaming are adding up to a very suss situation. What to make of all of this? I dunno - other than to say it makes for a fascinating story and terrific reading. Kudos.

Author's Response:

Luckily for Icheb, Maren knows and understands him about as well it's possible for a human to understand a former Borg drone, or she'd have done worse than slap him -- she'd have gone to the captain by now and he would be in a fair amount of trouble for harassing her after she's asked him to stop.  She's making her own life more miserable than it has to be by trying to handle him herself, but she obviously cares about him enough to continue to keep all manner of secrets for him, and despite her poor attitude, she is actually cutting him some slack as far as his unprofessional behavior goes.

Icheb doesn't mean to be an ass, he's just a very damaged individual underneath all the squeaky clean boy genius stuff.  Maren knows that and tries to be understanding (her actions, or lack thereof, speak a lot louder than her words), but everyone has their limit.  If he doesn't back off and let her breathe a bit, who knows what she'll do? 

Oh, and it very much sucks to be Adele.  As Gibraltar put it, she has to play "camp counselor" to her angsty, immature XO and chief engineer, plus the mission is just not going very well at all.  Not to mention the advisory board ... think it's time for her to find a friend yet?  I think she needs one.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Oct 2009 07:53 Title: Chapter 29

I've got to agree. The relationship angst between Icheb and Maren is so thick it's like a physical presence in the room with them, which of course only serves to give Adele a headache.

Icheb is pushing too hard. Hell, they're barely out of spacedock and he's already made repeated attempts to force them to draw a definitive conclusion about the state of their relationship. Riker and Troi served together for 15 years before they re-ignited their relationship. Granted, Icheb feels he may not have sufficient time, but if that's the case then how would it be fair to Maren to start things up again only to put her through the agony of losing him to whatever mystery malady might be ticking away within him?

Poor Adele not only has to captain the most ambitious Starfleet exploration mission in over a decade, but now finds herself playing the part of camp counselor to these two.

"Security, set phasers to ‘drama.'"

Continually fantastic stuff, kes7.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review and encouragement, Gibraltar! 

Yeah, Icheb is being pushy.  But re:  Riker and Troi -- even if Icheb didn't feel like his clock was running out, he would call fifteen years of relationship buildup most inefficient!  He's no Riker.  He's an extremely serious person with a mind still largely ordered like a Borg drone's, and he doesn't do anything halfway.  When he left Maren, he REALLY left her.  Now that he's changed his mind, he can't leave it alone.  It doesn't help that he's always been an impatient person by nature, even without the Borg influences.  He also has some other factors playing into his change of heart now that they're headed for the DQ, but we'll get to that.

Like I told you on PM, I had written a scene where Adele talks to Janeway between the Aris 4 misison and the launch.  She complains about feeling like a babysitter to Icheb, Maren and John and jokingly asks if they couldn't get some kind of Starfleet reg to prevent people who went to the Academy together serving on assignments together before ten years have passed.  In response, Janeway just about spits out her coffee and says "Tell me you don't have all THREE of them."  Camp counselor, indeed.  Poor Adele.  What a mess.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09 Oct 2009 17:59 Title: Chapter 29

Wow, another great chapter - you really excell at these character moments, and the relationship between Icheb and Maren is so realistic it's almost painful. I think you've really captured the way that kind of relationship would work and Maren especially is reacting in a very real, visceral way - her reactions at the end were especially life-like. You keep on proving how 3-dimensional these characters are, while giving us an intriguing plot that keeps us all coming back for more.

And the Tyndorans having a Borg-encryption code?!!! What is going on there?

Love it, love it, love it! Since I know you've been having a bad couple of days, not going to be all pushy as usual and say MORE MORE MORE... But you can bet I'm thinking it!!!

Thanks again for this wonderful story.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words, CaptainSarine!  That made my day.

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