Date: 13 Nov 2009 14:09 Title: T Minus 24H
Well, at the very least Sledge and Jones are talking.
Johannsen seemed rather impressed with McLeod, and he strikes me as someone who doesn't impress easily. McLeod on the other hand demonstrated how far he's willing to go to make a point. I'm not certain which scares me more about that... the fact Ian was willing to do it, or the fact that it seemed the only thing that would actually get through to Jones.
Hell, there was nearly more drama in the morning than there was the previous night. Nicely done!
Author's Response: They're talking, but is either really listening? It may be settled down, but it's far from settled.
Eric respects conviction and a willingness to act upon it. Jones and McLeod have never much been about following the rules to the letter. I think in a lot of ways, violence is just an accepted way of life for both of them. They have the might, so they feel right. Could have interesting consequences down the line.
I'm afraid the drama isn't quite over yet. Thanks again!
Date: 09 Oct 2009 08:21 Title: T Minus 24H
This sounds like a fun ride. And Benny sounds like he's falling for a certain government agent. And what were those guys doing in the cargo bay?
Author's Response: Dun dun dunnnnnn! Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!! Answers will be forthcoming. My work schedule has kicked my butt this week, and my spouse is about to go out of town for a week, which will leave me some extra time to catch up on writing. As for Benny and Li, time will tell. With this crew, you never know what farked up shiat will happen next. :D
Date: 01 Oct 2009 17:21 Title: T Minus 24H
Another excellent chapter. There's so much here to love. The entire interaction between Benny, Diane and Li in the kitchen was great. Ian's calling Diane out by threatening to beat Sledge up was great, especially when he then told Eric how he'd planned to do it while avoiding the scars just to teach Diane a lesson -- and Eric's reaction to that was great. I actually really liked Eric here. He's a fascinating guy. And then there's the tension between Diane and Sledge ... wow. Great stuff, PSGarak.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Yeah, now that they're all together I'm finally able to start playing around with the group dynamic. As you can see, some get on better than others. Eric is a complex guy. Definitely an asshole at times, but there's more to him than just that, and Ian will only take so much jerking around before he jerks back. Now let's hope Sledge is convincing with Henderson, or the Molly Magee will be leaving minus at least one security officer.