Date: 04 Jun 2012 23:36 Title: Chapter 27
Question; do Tyndorans have three eyes instead of the usual two? So are the Tyndorans lying about what they know or some of their actions; like damaging subspace and destroying Borg cubes? As for Ordi'te's right-hand man giving Adele that chip... Very strange indeed.
I like this intrigue and mystery, something this story packs in droves!
Date: 25 Mar 2010 19:30 Title: Chapter 27
I smell trap...and its a brewing big time. What is Adele to do?
Date: 05 Oct 2009 23:35 Title: Chapter 27
She had come from sickbay ostensibly to analyze the life signs from the fifth planet, but really, the extroverted doctor had mostly wanted to alleviate the soul-crushing boredom of sitting alone in sickbay for two days.
Ah so that explains why McCoy was always on the bridge! Wait no. It doesn;t cos he tended to run there when red alert sounded. Ha! Gotta love him. Gotta love this doctor for her self-honesty.
No one on this mission was sick or injured. As she watched the alien ships surround them, the thought struck her that perhaps that situation was about to change.
Similarly, this tended to happen McCoy. And at this point, I had a very similar opinion as to what was going to transpire. The entry into the planetoid in itself did not raise any particular alarms but the continued paranoia or suspicious behaviour of the Tydorans is rather unsettling. Not to mention the rather abrupt manner in which Adele is treated. Maybe she should have brought the Tellarite transporter chief down with here to share their particualr brand of pleasantness.
Particularly, when this is the repsonse Adele gets: “We are familiar with your Federation,” Lineta replied, a bit coolly. “Your reputation precedes you.” That's enough to raise alarms bells. At the very least it appears they don't like the way the Federation does things and doesn't want anybody looking over their shoulders. I wonder why?
Then the sudden interest Icheb! Then the slipping of something into Adele's hand and then what a way to finish the chapter. I know I was sceptical of these guys and thought them up to no good but Adele's reveal that she knows they are lying related to us the reader in that last line is quite stunning and very effective. Great use of her Betazoid abilities to make a plot reveal and device. Coolio.
A stellar of a chapter. Loved it. Even the way Adele treats the green ensigns making them believe she is almost omnipresent. Hee hee. Love that. It is somewhat a tactic my McGregor employs. Cool stuff.
Author's Response:
Wow, thanks for the great and thorough review! I'm glad you like Irina. She's a fun character who hasn't gotten a ton of play yet. She shows up again in the next chapter, though. Love the comparison to McCoy, just because he's a favorite of mine. She's not at all based on him, but that was, indeed, a very McCoy moment.
LOL at your suggestion that they should have brought down the Tellarite. Give them a little taste of their own medicine and then some! Of course, this was a diplomatic situation.
Glad you liked the reveal at the end, and Adele's handling of Ensign Lindley.
Thanks again for the awesome review!
Date: 30 Sep 2009 06:17 Title: Chapter 27
Interesting twist with the subterfuge following Adele's apparently fruitless meeting with the Tyndoran leadership. Here's hoping this might provide some answers. And shame on the Tyndorans for trying to BS a Betazoid!
And is it just me, or was Lineta expressing just a tad bit too much interest in Icheb?
Curiouser and curiouser!
Author's Response:
Tyndorans don't know anything about Betazoids, or that Adele is a quarter Betazoid. They had no idea who they were dealing with. (Not that Adele is even that skilled with the telepathy thing ... but she definitely knows when she's being lied to. You're right, you can't BS a Betazoid.)
Lineta did seem a little interested in Icheb and his circumstances. Curious, indeed. ;-)
Thanks for the review!
Date: 30 Sep 2009 01:01 Title: Chapter 27
Very eeenteresting. They seemed way too smooth and wide eyed to be on the up and up to me. Of course, I do have the unfortunate habit of rarely, if ever, taking things at face value.
I can hardly wait to see what she was given. Hopefully, she's not being too trusting and hanging onto a spy device, or worse, a bomb! I enjoyed this first contact chapter very much!
Author's Response:
No way. You don't say. Garak, plain and simple Garak, not taking things at face value? Surely you jest!
I'm glad you liked the chapter, thanks for the almost-instantaneous review! We'll see what Adele has in her hot little hands ...