Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 12:01 Title: Brass Tacks

Okay, now those were some definite sparks flying as the new additions to the crew settled in!  ;-)

O'Neil is sassy and naughty, a highly combustible combination, especially considering Jones' disposition and McLeod's recently bruised ego.  But there's something to be said for the direct approach! Jones' comment about O'Neil almost knowing what she was saying had me rolling.  I love the cutting humor and quick wit on display here.

Dropping Sledge into the equation only makes the whole mess that much more complicated.

The Molly Magee is fairly groaning under the weight of all this angst... and I'm loving it.

Author's Response: Yes, things are definitely heating up in this chapter. Sam's middle name is "trouble". Her mother should've realized that was bound to cause problems later in her life. :D

I'm glad you enjoyed the humor. I think the ship would burst without it. They're in for a wild ride. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2009 20:32 Title: Brass Tacks

Loved this line:

“She's cute,” Jones said breezily. “It's almost like she knows what she's saying.”

The interactions in this bit were great! I was almost jarred, mentally, when it ended. I'd been so deep into the story it came as a shock when the chapter wrapped. And sabotage in the cargo before they get off of the ground? Intriguing. Well done!

Author's Response: I had several moments where I was laughing writing this chapter. Jones and O'Neil are pretty much oil and water, only much more abrasive. I'm really glad you enjoyed the chapter. What WERE those people doing in the cargo bay? Hmmmm....

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2009 14:35 Title: Brass Tacks

I'm sure Eric Johanssen and Shao Li are feeling really good about the situation at this point .... or maybe not.

You said sparks were going to fly, and you weren't kidding.  Get a load of O'Neill!  She's a troublemaker!

There was some funny stuff here, too -- I like the hilarity between Ginny and Sam, especially.  Reading Sledge's reactions to the rest of the crew gave a lot of good insight, as well.  I wonder what happened between Diane and him ....

Another great chapter!  Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Hard to say what Eric makes of all of this. Li definitely isn't pleased. Being greeted at gunpoint wasn't on her carefully crafted to-do list that day.

Oh, yes, O'Neil is a huge troublemaker despite her petite size. I have to say, I actually admire her ability to cut to the chase, even though I'd never be so rude or brash, myself.

O'Neil and Ginny are just two years apart in age, and when I put them together, I realized their respective temperaments complimented each other. They've both lived a long time in close quarters with men, so both of them are enjoying the chance to have a gal pal.

Yes, what did happen between Diane and Sledge? Dun dun dunnnnnn! :D Thanks for the great review!

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