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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2012 23:18 Title: Chapter 26

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” nice little humourous touch on Junior's part! It's amazing but with each Icheb/Maren interaction you always manage to reveal something new about them. Like this plan Z. Clearly you have really thought these characters through...

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Mar 2010 19:07 Title: Chapter 26

Icheb seems to be growing into his role as XO, but whatever could he and Maren be planning as Plan Z (not Zombies, right?) Here's hoping Plan Z isn't as bad as it sounds.

Author's Response:

Plan Z is one of those things that two genius kids high on their own intelligence cook up after hours in a lab somewhere -- the kind of thing that could either be the GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT OF ALL TIME or, you know, the end of the universe.  One of the two.  It's not zombies, though.  :-)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Oct 2009 21:54 Title: Chapter 26

Oh dear, plan Z seems like it could be a very dangerous one - for all concerned. No doubt one of those crazy assed schemes that might, just might work out in the end - but then again, who is to say it is not the source of the problem warned of? Maren's ire at q makes me all the more curious about whatever happened.

Icheb and Maren interacted on a better level this time round and when too busy with more important stuff they forget the issues between them and fall back into a normal routine. That's good and promising but they still have a lot to work through so I shan't be holding my breath.

Poor Adele probably thought her working relationship with her younger, ex-drone XO was problematic enough given her pained history with the Borg. But I doubt she figured on the Q being a recurring thorn over the next seven years. And if one considers that Q fastforwarded when the Borg should have encountered the Federation this is a further reasoon for Adele to scowl.

Now for the Tydorians! That is probably looking to be a more appealing prospect now. But I won't hold my breath on that one either turning out too good.

To repeat, great stuff.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Miranda Fave!  Plan Z is definitely a crazy assed scheme -- the kind that brilliant Academy students come up with when they're all high on how smart they are and think they know better than everyone else.  (Especially ex-Borg students who often do know better than everyone else.)  Like I've said before, these two bonded over their shared geekery. 

Speaking of our resident angsty ex-couple, they do work well together.  They always did.  As long as work distracts them from the very real issues between them, they're okay ... it's when things get personal that the unresolved, painful stuff comes to the surface.  

And yes, poor Adele.  Potential disaster everywhere she turns, and they're only like a week into the mission.  I'm sure she's having second and third thoughts about all this by now.

You'll see about the Tyndorans.  ;-)


Reviewer: PSGarak Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2009 05:54 Title: Chapter 26

I enjoyed seeing the Admiral shut out of his listening device. Too bad Junior didn't see fit to permanently disable it, but that would be asking for a bit much from a Q.

I also liked the interplay of very legitimate worry and concern. I think it would be dangerous to assume this is a prank under the circumstances. It's also interesting that such a thing would bring Maren and Icheb as close to a normal conversation as they've been able to have so far.

I totally can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!  Yeah, the Q aren't known for being really helpful.  Just occasionally a little bit helpful.  Like Q giving Janeway a way to shave a few years off the journey when he could have just sent them home.

As for Icheb and Maren, well, she really dislikes Junior, so Icheb benefits in comparison.  And then there's Plan Z -- nothing like advanced theoretical technobabble to bring two geeks together.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2009 10:20 Title: Chapter 26

Hi Kes!

Another great chapter - I loved the little q making the comment about it being rude to eavesdrop to the admiral over the recording! Great stuff!! and LOL!!

Icheb seems to be settling in nicely to his status as XO, taking command of the meeting, giving orders, even singling out another officer who was smirking... Interesting to see him taking on this mantle.

The interaction between Icheb and Maren seems to be getting better - their professional relationship seems to be bringing them closer, which is a good thing, IMO.

As for what is coming - can't wait to see where you're going with all of this!


Author's Response:

Thanks, Joel! 

Starfleet's not quite stupid enough to put someone with no demonstrated command skills in the second seat.  Icheb may be a little slow on the uptake in his personal life, but he grew up in a command structure, first with the Borg, then on Voyager, and he's been a department head before in this story's universe.  He's come a long way from giving up his position as First on the cube because he couldn't control the others (but a lot of that is because Starfleet personnel will generally follow orders, unlike a bunch of little Borg brats).

Icheb and Maren are both hopeless geeks, deep down.  They originally bonded over their mutual geekiness.  Studying astrophysics and quantum theory together was their idea of a pretty decent date, so coming together over work is a natural place for them to start.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2009 06:46 Title: Chapter 26

A great segment. This was the most authoritative I’ve seen Icheb with the senior staff, and he really took command of the meeting, brief as it was. I was pleased to see the admiral off-put by the arrival of the Q, a variable that not even he can account for. We get some terrific character interaction, and what do you know… Icheb and Maren are actually being civil to one another.  Wonders never cease!

As for now, it’s a waiting game. Something dark and foreboding is on the horizon, but what it is and when it will arrive is anybody’s guess.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Gibraltar!  You can see my comments to Capt. Sarine re: Icheb in command.  They didn't name him XO solely because he has an encyclopedia of the DQ in his head.  Mostly, to be sure, but not only. As far as the meeting being brief -- there's Borg efficiency for you.  Not always Icheb's strong point (thirty-something chapters on Kirk, anyone?), but he can pull it off when he wants to.  I also responded to Capt. Sarine about Icheb and Maren.

As for the admiral ... not much he can do about the Q, hehe.

Thanks for the comments!

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