Date: 07 Oct 2009 22:25 Title: Winging It
Geez, McLeod's got it bad... and after over a decade of hanging out with Jones only now does he realize he's in love with her. Throw Henderson into the mix, and we're going to have the love-triangle from hell.
Author's Response: I...honestly can't comment except to say just wait and see. :D (And...I got surprised, too.)
Date: 29 Sep 2009 20:17 Title: Winging It
A torn and conflicted man. The motivations of your crew get murkier as things go on. If this keeps up you're going to end up with something like Melrose Place In Space! LOL. Kidding-love what you've done so far.
Author's Response: That was almost the name of the story! :P Nah, but every crew has its secrets and drama. We haven't heard the end of it from anybody yet.
Date: 24 Sep 2009 11:10 Title: Winging It
As the founding president of the Ian and Diane "shipper" club, you know I loved this little peek inside Ian's thoughts. I'm also impressed at how much interesting information you got across in under 800 words. Well done! Something tells me the sparks are going to fly when these two and Sledge are together.
Author's Response: I kept trying to push more out of him, but he was quite certain that was all that needed to be said. It was such a short chapter, it was almost like an interlude. I suppose that's strangely appropriate, since we're getting close to launch date, and the crew is almost fully assembled. No more quiet time! I'm glad you liked it, and all I can say is hang onto your seat. :D