Date: 07 Oct 2009 22:13 Title: Drinking Companions
Well, Ginny goes from wide-eyed newcomer to laying down the law with Stryker. Yes, his history is a sad and troubled one, but nearly everybody lost someone in the war. As far as Ginny's concerned, Stryker's a walking poster child for staying sober, as he embodies all the consequences of falling off the wagon in a compact, angry, stinky little package.
Oh, and terrific threat for an immediate gratification guy like Stryker. Threaten Mr. Winkie, and he jumps in line pretty damn quick!
Author's Response: All those months working in the jail taught her a thing or two about people like Stryker. He is excellent motivation for sobriety, isn't he? Glad you liked the threat! She made me laugh with that. Of course, what we didn't get to see was the nervous wreck she was after the encounter, but she at least held it together while it was necessary.
Date: 21 Sep 2009 20:28 Title: Drinking Companions
That was a lot of backbone the gal showed. I liked her threat. My question is-is this ship ever getting off the ground? :)
Author's Response: She knew if she showed him a weakness, he'd take advantage of it. The ship WILL get off the ground. I promise. :D In story time, all of this has happened in less than a week, and it won't be too much longer before they're ready for lift off.
Date: 19 Sep 2009 01:27 Title: Drinking Companions
Stryker is a nasty piece of work, and Ginny has much more spine than I expected. Something tells me this is going to head in an interesting direction.
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Already the fireworks fly, and Jones and McLeod aren't even there yet. Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for the review!