Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Oct 2009 21:37 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee

Now that was one hell of a job interview!  The lead up to their tour of the Molly Magee was especially poignant, with the depth of Ginny and Benny's long friendship being drawn in stark colors.  These two survivors really do belong aboard the old girl.  Henderson was damn near pleasant to deal with here, though Stryker made for little more than a passable door stop ;) .

Author's Response: Don't worry. You'll see more of Stryker soon. Heh. Henderson is so glad to get somebody who knows his way around the tools and genuinely loves the ship he's just about tickled pink. I had fun with the pie scene, but I never want to try paste pie myself. Thanks!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2009 19:45 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee

That was an entertaining way to introduce new crew members. Just hope your junky can stay clean!

Author's Response: Thank you! As Benny said, the specter of spark is never far away. Only time will tell if Ginny can resist the lure. Good things as well as bad things are often considered stressful. We'll have to see what this new job brings out in her.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2009 10:59 Title: Good Enough for Molly Magee

Okay, NOW I could possibly get on the Benny/Ginny ship.  They are just too sweet.  But I understand Benny's concern about not wanting to complicate that.

And they're both going!  Yay!  Glad to see Benny's engineering skills haven't wasted away.  I wonder if the two "smart asses" (Benny and Sam) will get along, or irritate each other.

The description of paste pie made me throw up in my mouth a little.  Nuclear winter sucks.

As always, great stuff, PSGarak.

Author's Response: I think in close male/female relationships (at least this has been my experience), there are almost always those little moments where you get the sense there could be more, but for a variety of reasons, you choose to leave it at the great friendship level. At least so far, that's what these two have done. I can't wait to have everybody together interacting. As you can imagine, it's going to be a volatile mix. I'm not even sure yet who will get along and who won't. A lot of times, they surprise me. Paste pie sounded really gross to me, too. I don't want to know what's in it, or the "juice". I'm glad you're still enjoying!

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