Date: 23 Mar 2022 19:55 Title: Chapter Six
Sateem and Galmesh - that's just so wrong on so many different levels...
But the segment does make Galmesh's motives clear - and they've nothing to do with the validity of the Maquis cause. I kind of suspected that. Surprised that Kincaid doesn't seem to.
And Galmesh didn't hesitate to bring the battle. At the moment it appears to be an even match.
Good quick read on this chapter, despite its length it's punchy and to the point. Really enjoying the details of Sandhurst's diplomacy.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 17 Nov 2009 04:06 Title: Chapter Six
LOL, I loved that line from T'Ser: "Paybacks are a bitch, and so am I." After what I've seen of her toughness in CeJay's sory over at TrekBBS, I definitely have a much greater appreciation of what that means than before.
As for Sandhurst--this is interesting. I am finding myself wondering how much of his behavior under these circumstances is sincere, and how much of it may be an effort to cultivate a false impression with Diaz. If so, he's playing a very dangerous game, but one that could also pay off in a big way if it succeeds.
One of the things that (to my mind) made me think he was trying to cultivate an image of greater recklessness and amorality than he actually has is that he would claim there was no way a Cardassian representative would come to participate in these negotiations. If there were the potential of anything that would permanently solve the Maquis problem in their territory, I would think they would take an interest in it.
The other thing that got me thinking is the image Galmesh had in his mind of Sandhurst--exaggerated to a degree off the real thing. I am beginning to think Sandhurst is really aware of his reputation and the stories, and was playing it up deliberately.
Then again, I could be completely, 100% wrong.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 09:16 Title: Chapter Six
I'm tempted to say that Sandhurst might have missed his calling. The guy should have been a diplomat. I had no idea he was such a prudent negotiator. But I guess selling his Maquis-state plan to Kincaid and Diaz was just the easy part. Selling this to Command, the Federation and the Cardassians, now that's going to take some serious lobbying.
In the meantime we learn the full extent of Galmesh's surprisingly cunning plan. Or maybe not so surprisingly cunning considering that he's working hand in hand with a Romulan, of all people. Love the irony that she is his lover and enemy. That's poetic.
I didn't agree with T'Ser's call however to keep the Gallant back when Galmesh attacked. It felt a little bit like tempting fate. We're talking about Gibraltar after all, with this ship you never want to take any chances. I'm sure T'Ser will learn.
Terrific chapter but I do get frustrated that every other installment of yours includes a couple of words I've never heard before. A learning experience, I guess.