Date: 02 Jul 2013 07:06 Title: Chapter 23
Geez, these two. So much damage, it's almost hard to imagine they CAN overcome it. I mean, I know it's possible, but I have a feeling it's gonna take a lot of work on their parts to do it.
Date: 04 Jun 2012 22:42 Title: Chapter 23
I really like the Icheb/Maren plot. To me it produces the same vibe and feel I get from the Kira/Odo pairing. What's great is how Icheb and Maren are slowly getting used to each other, and each scene which develops this teases the reader in two ways: 1. whether Icheb and Maren will resolve their differences, 2. what is Icheb's secret and why did he leave Maren? Good drama stuff, which is just as riveting (if not more so) than the main plot of investigating the Borg.
Date: 18 Oct 2009 06:19 Title: Chapter 23
Maren and Icheb...aye, that's awkward. I feel for them. Come on, work it out kids!
Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Yes, it is. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:45 Title: Chapter 23
Oh and I see I share my thoughts with Sheila Duggal re: Maren and John! Ha! Wonder how that'll play out. Looking forward to it.
Author's Response:
Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:44 Title: Chapter 23
I don't know why, well apart from the great writing, but I found this a very fascinating chapter. In part, the working style of Maren and her thought process revealled. Quite a perfectionist it seems so no wonder she matched up to a Borg drone's expectations! ;)
As well as the inventive manners proposed by Maren there is also her concern about how the various methods might affect others, she wasn't quite looking for a quick fix solution. Her compassion and foresight is heartening.
Likewise, Icheb's solution compromise to the situation is also very clever.
Their interaction is again difficult but warming but also remaining difficult - ha! - they are quite frustrating in how they are dancing around each other and their failed relationship. Great stuff.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review and wonderful compliment! Maren is a perfectionist, but she's harder on herself than anyone else. Relentless, really. She's also the type of person who can come off as cold when she's in "working mode," but she's actually kind of quirky and funny when she's not. She does have a lot of concern for others, but the risks of biotech are particular hot buttons for her after five years with an ex-drone. She's definitely hyper-aware of those issues.
Regarding Icheb, he's nothing if not clever.
The two of them are dancing around more than a failed relationship. Half the tension in that encounter was because of the subject matter.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 15:14 Title: Chapter 23
Icheb shows himself to be a creative thinker with his solution and compromise. I'm finding more to like about him every time I see him. While I wish that he and Maren could find some steady ground, I also know that after such a serious breach of trust, it takes a lot of time to work anything at all out, even being on comfortable speaking terms.
Maren probably ought to give some thought about what Duggal said about her and John. Doctors are pretty perceptive. The awesomeness continues!
Author's Response:
Icheb's always been that way. He frequently came up with innovative ideas on Voyager. As for him and Maren, they've only been around each other again for a little over a week. She's an emotional mess, and he's pretty out of practice with his more advanced interpersonal skills since leaving her, so they're both in a poor position to quickly improve the situation. Not to mention the entire reason he left in the first place hasn't gone away ... but we'll get to that eventually.
Regarding that last comment, shall I put you down for the Icheb/Maren ship, or the John/Maren ship? Hee hee ...
Thanks again for reading, and the comments.

Date: 15 Sep 2009 06:53 Title: Chapter 23
Another fantastic addition to the Tesseract saga - An interesting start with Doctor Duggal giving us a glimpse at how the rest of the crew view the relationship between their XO and Chief Engineer, followed by another tense encounter between the two officers - WOW you could cut that tension with a knife!
Love it and thanks for all your hard work, I know how you suffered for this chapter! Keep it up!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Captain Sarine!
Date: 14 Sep 2009 18:49 Title: Chapter 23
Just when you thought Maren and Icheb's relationship couldn't get more awkward or tense... heh.
Great stuff. The ongoing trials of their relationship is engrossing reading and helps uncover the inner workings of both characters.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Gibraltar. I'm glad you enjoyed it.