Date: 02 Jul 2013 06:23 Title: Chapter 21
Beckley has the ready room bugged? What a scrumbag. I liked how Icheb handled Gentry, though; he pretty much slapped her right back into her place and didn't even need to be rude to do it.
Date: 09 May 2012 01:07 Title: Chapter 21
Beckley is one crazy old man! Eavesdropping on conversations, bugging rooms... No wonder he keeps to himself, he can just listen (and or watch) in the comfort and privacy of his office.
Date: 18 Oct 2009 05:24 Title: Chapter 21
Beckley is a sneaky SOB, ain't he? Not to mention Gentry is playing right into his hands.
Hopefully Beckley doesn't do something that could get the ship in trouble.
Date: 06 Sep 2009 21:09 Title: Chapter 21
John had jokingly called them One of Two and Two of Two -- their own little collective.
Hee hee - so funny and kinda cute too. Loved the opening parts of this as it shows Icheb having a great ole time and thoroughly enjoying himself in the big chair. The mood and jovial light-heartedness of Icheb and the bemusement of the others is neat to read after his recent headaches [real and metaphorical]. It also contrasts strongly to some of the developments that crop up.
The ending is chilling in its ominous nature and the fact Adele's sanctuary is exposed and he's been listening to everything that has passed. It also raises the spectre of what else has he been up to and what other tactics is he up to.
And get a load of Gentry. She is one hard assed bitch. So delighted Icheb put her in her place and stood up to her. And although she is still despicable I do find that her motives and feelings as revealed her to Icheb are understandable and maybe make me understand her a little more. But still hate her!
Icheb's motivations for going back though should be addressed. Why is he so willing to go back? That is a real enough question to pose. We can understand why Starfleet wants him along but Gentry raises a good question in asking why does he want to go back to somewhere he tried very hard to leave behind.
And of course the mystery of the gel packs seems to have been solved. I was wrong on one theory I had for them. But I do have an alternative theory still. Still quite paranoid about things. But you can hardly blame me considering the tale you are weaving. And I'll reveal my theory here rather than over at TrekBBS. I think rather than it being the Cairns fella causing the damage, I think it might be The Admiral! Sssh! Don't tell anyone.
Date: 06 Sep 2009 08:07 Title: Chapter 21
Another great installment - Icheb coming into his own in command and showing that he has 'balls of steel' :), a new twist to the gel-pack problem, and a new facet to the Admiral (I loved the fact that he doesn't seem entirely against the command crew, since he hopes Icheb will get through this and gain a command of his own). What exactly is his deal??!
Anyway, another great chapter, roll on the next!!
Date: 06 Sep 2009 06:38 Title: Chapter 21
Icheb seems to be settling well into the role he has had to assume. He handled the lawyer beautifully. It's a shame, really, that she couldn't have managed an honest communication with him from a less antagonistic standpoint. Sometimes a good clearing of the air does wonders.
Really cool theory about what's happening to the gel packs and definitely not something with a pat solution. I loved this chapter. It answered a few questions and raised a few more, specifically about the Admiral. Great job!
Date: 06 Sep 2009 05:48 Title: Chapter 21
Yay Icheb! He's handling his first day in the big chair very well. He's working on solving the gel-pack problem with the senior staff, and he stood up admirably to the ice queen from the advisory board.
And Beckley's bugging the captain's ready room. Nice... though not altogether unexpected. More and more I'm beginning to think someone put the man aboard specifically to be a foil for Adele, and that he's either somehow biologically altered to prevent her from reading him or is being supplemented by technology in order to do so. Either way, it implies an agency with ulterior motives, and the goals of such agencies are almost never benign.
A great installment!