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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2013 21:27 Title: Chapter 10

Nice to see the wary Maquis fighter can seem something off about the whole scenario. If it were another character and story I might be inclined to think it was a bit of a stretch or whizz kid working out of a trap but not here. Limis has had the experience of being hunted, baited and trapped, of being the underdog and always expecting the worse case scenario so that makes her able to be more introspective about how things have gone down and to question the perceived reality. It works for the character and her background and of course after the previous chapter perhaps she is also looking for fault outside of herself. And it is noteworthy that it is to Rebecca she turns to raise her questions. She trusts her former Maquis fighter comrade rather than confiding in Morrison or Kozar and of course after the dream has raised her concerns neither does she confide in Arnit.

And then, we turn to our lovers and just when I thought ugh this is going to have them profess their love, ladda da you pull the rug on the relationship by Mandel being a prig and Carson calling him out on his crap and kicking him out.

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