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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2013 21:19 Title: Chapter 9

Ah, so the machinations of the Dominion begin to clarify here as Weyoun and Dukat spell it out. And how nice as the reader to have the devious plan outlined by these two fiends.

Back on the ship, there was a lot happening in the aftermath. We of course see lots of Markalis eccentricities in it all but whatever is about her we find her a very fascinating little read of a character. Something very much stands out about her - I suppose it is the fact she is not the conventional and stands out in comparison to others.

Onto your other stellar character, Limis and how she reacts to being dressed down by her XO and security chief. Perhaps it is telling that Kozar and Morrison had cause to question the captain's choices and she does seem to fly the handle quicker than is probably proper. She didn't hear them out and obviously did not like the idea of being corrected - probably because she knows herself the cost of some of those decisions.

That said, nothing then excuses Kozar's attitude and how he chooses to repsond to the captain. There's something very dangerous about his lack of respect and following the chain of command (and how hypocritical given his regulations mantra) because when it comes to the crunch will he follow the captain's orders or will he defy or question them causing delay and death. Sets it all up for an almighty tense clash here towards the last leg of the story.

Author's Response: Yeah, some of the doctor's eccentricities are shown in bits and pieces, but for now, they are a few instances here and there of social awkwardness. I had intended here to base Morrison's second-guessing as similar to McCoy just being around to complain. Kozar's hypocrisy, at the time of this story's publishing, roughly parallels real-life events of the time--those same pundits getting worked up about a fictional movie depicting the assassination of George W. Bush would turn a deaf ear to "jokes" about assassinating Barack Obama. It's a double-standard that takes Kozar a while to realize.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Nov 2011 16:21 Title: Chapter 9

While Limis has got a few bolts loose... I have a feeling that Arnit is somehow working with the Dominion, he's lured the Lambda Paz, so that Limis will report back and say the Jem'Hadar breeding facility is lightly protected. All of this to destroy or dozen or more Starfleet ships, when they arrive to destroy the facility...

I like how much you compress into your plots, and they use a lot of elements and refer to a lot of episodes from DS9. That's pretty cool, it's also cool you throwing in the DS9 characters as well on occasion...

Author's Response: I tried early on to establish this series as a Deep Space Nine spinoff, much like the first season of DS9 featured cameo appearances by various TNG characters.

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