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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2013 20:58 Title: Chapter 8

Oh a nice thrilling action set piece with advancing Jem'Hadar soldiers and ships zoning in. I liked it very much. Nothing too laboured about it and we got everyone in on the action and showing some wee glimpse sketch of their character into the bargain. Limis coming out with Spock's line, getting pulled on it not being Bajoran and retorting 'If it works, use it' seems an even more apt saying by which she chooses to live as a Bajoran, Maquis member and now a Starfleet captain.

Lots of action happening here but you carry it all off in a clear fashion so we have a strong sense of what is happening and who is where and what needs to happen next. Not the easiest thing to do and certainly not in as parse a description as you provide. Well done stuff.

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