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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 05:49 Title: Chapter 5

Merote herbs... I think you are the only author who has explored drug use amongst the Bajoran resistance. But it would be inevitable giving how hard conditions would be, but if so many resistance fighters were using these drugs, you wonder if that further set back the resistance's efforts to attack the Cardassians and try to remove them from Bajor.

And it looks like Arnit has betrayed everyone and given away the Lambda Paza's position to the Jem'Hadar. Already this first mission is going to end up as a disaster!

Ah, yes, typical Starfleet officer who is hoping some kind of wedge can be driven between the Dominion and the Cardassians,

Yeah! This is so true of Starfleet officer's thinking. But Kozar has no idea how Dukat and the Cardassians cannot possible backout of the Dominion now. It is too late and if Dukat did such a move, he would be removed and the Dominion would further their grip and control of the Cardassian government and military. While a revolt would be catastrophic for the Cardassians, though perhaps in the early stages of this war it could result in the rapid collapse of the Dominion. But then the Dominion would just go about exterminating the Cardassians...

So wishful thinking Kozar!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2010 14:42 Title: Chapter 5

So it all seems to be a trap. And with a mystery communication as well, there is a chance that there is a traitor on board. Or certainly, someone with secrets to hide. The crew's first meeting went ok - though Limis is keen to keep to her Maquis ways. That might indeed prove to be a blessing but she may need to learn that the book is part born by experience too. That said, her judgement seems to be right so far. The first mission looks likely to be a trap and the ship's crew will have a lot of skill and luck to navigate the trouble ahead. Especially if a larger plan to lull a larger Federation force into the nebula.

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