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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 04:58 Title: Chapter 4

I think of all the chapters where our new captain gets introduced to his/her ship. I think Limis has one of the more unique introductions. I mean she has the experience, she is a very resourceful woman, and all of that. But she is unfamiliar with a larger vessel, yet she knows how to command people, so Limis enters her captaincy role with quite the mix of strengths and weaknesses. Her problem are the senior staff, because when trouble comes she is sure going to improvise and undoubtedly break dozens of Starfleet protocols and regulations. Actually make that hundreds!

And poor Logan! That guy was a real old grump when he saw him on TNG, and so strict and almost arrogant! He was a douche but I do appreciate his position and having Tarlazzi as a thorn on his side is the last thing Logan wants. Good thing Rebecca reminded Tarlazzi of that! And my God! It is incredible to see our main characters now, your series really does take them on a journey!

Last but not least there is Aurellan. At first when I read your series I thought she was a pretty average character who while not good was not bad either. But it is that lack of personality which intrigues me and her Asperger syndrome which makes her a rather unique character. In a way she kind of discovers her humanity over the course of the Dominion war. And there is the new EMH, the one which Aurellan will eventually date after this EMH goes through some extensive modifications! Or wait, was that another EMH type entirely?

Finally the Lambda Paz is off! So a great chapter! Brief, to the point and lots of impact!

Author's Response: Yes, there's a lot of good character establishment going on here. Regarding the EMH, the Mark III in Year 2 is the one Aurellan dates, while the one here is the Mark II--played by Andy Dick in "Message in a Bottle" (don't get me started on how many douchey characters that actor has played).

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2010 14:33 Title: Chapter 4

For that reason, he was given the role of senior chief engineer in accordance with the practice of having multiple chief engineers on new classes of starships the first year of operation. - Nice nod to the way things seemed to operate on TNG's Enterprise-D. It also makes a degree of sense - though of course it also opens up a can of worms when  one applies the adage of too many cooks spoil the broth. Logan already seems to have too many cooks with his hands full with his new Maquis crewmembers. Tarlazzi in particular seems to delight in causing him mental anguish. Hee hee.

So we have some command issues to work out and Limis is very proud and not one to ask for help too easily. She's prefer to learn on the fly and on the hoof rather than look inadequate in front of crew. No foul there I suppose as it is going to take a bit to convince the crew that she should in fact be in command.

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