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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 04:36 Title: Chapter 2

You know I find it really funny that for a ship that was not designed for war, the Lambda Paz can take an incredible beating and get away! It has faced so many battles so I guess the Prophets must have been watching over Limis all that time!

This chapter feels very much like that of Voyager's Caretaker when Janeway is down on that New Zealand penal colony trying to persuade Tom Paris to come aboard Voyager. But this chapter did it a lot more better and having Sisko to persuade Limis was a big help to.

Right now Limis feels like this Sarah Conner figure. She is dangerous, she wants revenge, yet deep down she is nursing terrible traumas and is desperate to track down her son.

As for Kozar, I love his reaction when he gets denied that captaincy he so deserved. For once I can agree with Jellico to a certain extent, and that's a rarity!

Author's Response: More precisely, the LP was a class of ship originally earmarked for exploration, but priorities quickly changed. Also glad you recognized one of the similarities to the Voyager pilot. There's also a tie-in to The Motion Picture where they're supposed to launch 12 hours even though Scotty says that's not possible.

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 May 2012 22:21 Title: Chapter 2

An excellent introduction to some of the characters. Sisko is extremely well done, something i must commend you on. I rarely used established characters because I never feel I can do them justice, but here its as if Brooks is actually playing him. Well done!

Author's Response: Glad you enjoy the opening chapters, and my portrayal of Sisko. I figured I'd throw in one of his baseball metaphors along with the illustration that his attitude towards the Maquis and towards Eddington wasn't so black and white.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2009 22:39 Title: Chapter 2

Again, I am liking the development of the characters here and the fact that Limis will have a little cohort of her own to back her corner. I've a feeling that we will get a kind of 'how Voyager could have / should have handled the conflict between a Maquis and a Federation crew thing' in your story and if so I'm all for it. And a Luna class vessel to boot. Not sure about the canon on that but I like the idea that it was built upon discovery of the wormhole and appropriated for the war effort. Liking this so far.

Author's Response: The class of starship Riker's Titan belonged to was never mentioned in canon. Only the Pocket Books novels gave the backstory of the Luna-class starship, the first of which officially went into service after the war.

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