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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 04:29 Title: Chapter 1

And so it begins! I like how you pick up the pieces with some of DS9 characters. So it is a smooth move how the first story has some great cameos of Sisko, Worf and others.

And Jellico, he is so going to be annoyed when Sisko's recommendation for Limis becomes passed! But Sisko is right, you need out-of-the-box thinkers. I do wonder if Jellico personally told Kozar that he would be in command of the Lambda Paz, and so when Kozar did not get the job, I bet my life that Jellico told Kozar to give Limis a really hard time. Just so that Limis would snap and her commission relinquished and so that Kozar could finally get the captaincy he was robbed of.

As for Arnit... I'm surprised he betrayed the good guys (Federation and Klingons) by siding with the Dominion. I've forgotten why Arnit has done this but he is one messed up guy!

Author's Response: Hmmm, that's an interesting theory regarding Jellico. It just stood to reason since Kozar had already a smaller ship. That mini-intrigue was mostly meant to mirror the first New Frontier novel where Shelby is certain she'll get command of the Excalibur, having been that ship's XO the last five years, until she is informed that her ex-fiance was getting the center seat.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Nov 2011 01:12 Title: Chapter 1

Good set up, and Arnit is up to something. Is he friend or foe? I'll find out when I read some more chapters tomorrow, but right now its 01:12 in the morning and I need some sleep!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2009 22:26 Title: Chapter 1

Oh what lies behind all this. From reading later stuff, I gather you like to spin a few mysteries into your story. It certainly adds a fun element to all - especially knowing that our heroes have been worngfooted. I liked the way you touched on Worf's walking a thin line between two worlds. It was simple and did not waste time but it grounded the character and the scene. As for Sisko's recommendation, I guess after the Eddington affair his eyes may have been opened a little but I still thought it a bit of a shocker that he'd put Limis' name forward for a command post. Still I can see this won't go down well with the senior staff and Kozar when they discover who their captain will be. Limis better hope that Sisko's faith in her ability to inspire loyalty lives up to the expectations because she'll need such skills.

Author's Response: Think of it as Picard suggesting Calhoun to command Excalibur in New Frontier, much to Jellico's chagrin. And Jellico later contacts Kozar for the same reason he contacted Shelby.

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