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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 03:38 Title: Prologue

I'm reading this story again just for the fun of it and having read the first two seasons of Lambda Paz. I decided to read the first story to see how it all started!

I love the brief glimpse we get of a much younger Limis and how things were more simpler back then. While conditions were brutal and Limis was already pretty scared, I like the bit of;

For now, the Occupation was light years away. For now, the young couple truly felt content. Their service to Bajor would resume tomorrow, but for now, they could have one thing for themselves.

Such simple pleasures are the only pleasures Limis has and it really saddens me to see just how pear-shaped her marriage with Arnit went. Limis was so devoted but Arnit; he couldn't manage the darkness as Limis could. Having read Across Two Universes, I see now where things truly went wrong. While Limis regretted many things she did, she always tried to be the best person she could be; sticking with Arnit, raising their son and that sort of thing. Whereas Arnit... I think he could not escape his personal demons and it messed him up to such a degree that not even Limis' love or his son could shed some light to his darkness.

Which explains why Arnit became so messed up with Limis and beat her. To her credit Limis stuck by him, but even love was not enough and it's sad.

Having read through Kozar's first scene of this series. I can understand why he feels like a more polite version of Jellico. For one thing Jellico was his former commander, and Kozar is very by-the-book, formal and sometimes a pain in the ass, so no wonder he takes after Jellico and no wonder he could not stomach Limis for many weeks after she became captain of the Lambda Paz.

The extended scene with the return journey with Sisko and the last few surviving Maquis members was rousing stuff. That was a great way of introducing the reader to the friendship between Rebecca and Limis, and it was very raw to. Something which I have always liked about your style of writing, there sometimes is no build-up or grandiose explanation for it, it just happens. And that I feel is a very realistic way of writing such things without making it into a great big melodrama.

Reviewer: David Lowbridge Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 May 2012 21:55 Title: Prologue

This is an excellent chapter and a great setup. I love the references to "Blaze of Glory" and the marquis characters are very believable.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Nov 2011 01:07 Title: Prologue

Really good that overview. One thing I've always liked about your writing is your simple style and brisk pace. It's very minimalistic, and it is something The Edge from U2 uses when he plays guitar. You've done something similar with your writing, and yet you convey the key emotions. Nice one!

Author's Response: Always good to get new readers. I figured this kind of prologue was a nice way to establish the backstories of some of the characters. Limis has been through the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and the Dominion's mass slaughter of the Maquis, and so is battle tested despite the relative lack of Starfleet training. Kozar, meanwhile, is the veteran officer who has captained a frigate through the Cardassian Wars and feels he's more than ready for starship, making being passed up something of deflating blow.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Nov 2009 22:17 Title: Prologue

An effective overview and introduction to some of our characters. It sets up some of the backstory and frames the story and characters you plan to write about.

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