Date: 06 Oct 2009 00:03 Title: Flying in Style
Johannsen is a right bastard, almost sociopathically so. Shao Li has a good amount of personal baggage, but then I'd expect anyone who survived WWIII would as well. I seems as though Shao Li might also be somewhat in the dark about the true nature of this seemingly routine cargo run, either that or there's a part of her as hard and unyielding as Johannsen.
Great background exposition here, too, as we get our first official 'Trek' reference in this story. It appears the aftermath of the last great world war was a great deal more agonizing than any of the series let on.
Author's Response: Yes, he is a bastard. Time will tell to what extent that runs, or if he's actually also a sociopath. It's a safe bet to say that there are only a handful of people who know the truth behind the nature of the cargo run. Is Li one of them? All I can say is maybe.
Thank you. I had been sitting on that reference for several chapters. It was gratifying finally getting to reveal it in this most un-Star Trek Trek fanfic. I couldn't see how a nuclear holocaust couldn't be devastating and I never fully understood why none of the series really dealt with that, other than perhaps they wanted the focus of the show to be forward rather than back. This is my way of filling in some of the edges. I'm glad you enjoyed!
Date: 03 Sep 2009 20:26 Title: Flying in Style
They have a strange relationship. And your Dane is a real piece of work. This was interesting as my first impression was that they were a team. And you made your first actual TREK reference, too. *claps*
Author's Response: The united face they present to outsiders is different from what goes on behind the scenes with them, definitely. I've been sitting on the Cochrane connection for a while now, just waiting for the opportunity to reveal it. I'm glad you enjoyed, and thanks for the review!
Date: 03 Sep 2009 10:14 Title: Flying in Style
That was the best chapter yet! These two are a fascinating pair, and the hints about Cochrane are intriguing. I loved the character interaction here. I've known guys like Johannsen (or at least like this early view of him). Not fun to work with. Also, you did a great job of capturing the post-war realities of Earth without going overboard with exposition. Strawberries and water -- good stuff.
Author's Response: Thank you! I had some concerns as there wasn't much action here, just two people riding on a plane, but with these two it's all about the subtext. I've worked with people like him, too, and did not enjoy the experience. Even in our world and reality, clean drinking water is becoming rarer. I have a feeling that one day, fresh water is going to become the new oil as far as the market, economy, and even warfare are concerned. And strawberries are fairly easily grown, much easier than tree fruit and the like, so it made sense to me. I'm glad it conveyed what I intended. You never really know until somebody reads and comments. Thank you again!