Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Oct 2009 06:45 Title: When Opportunity Knocks

Wow.  She’s living in some darkness, but she’s digging her way out, one day and one NA meeting at a time.  Within the space of a single chapter you’ve drawn an especially clear, very sympathetic character for your readers to root for.  She’s damaged goods, to be sure, but that just makes her fit in all the better with the others who I’m guessing will shortly become her crewmates.

Author's Response: Thank you. This chapter meant a lot to me in a lot of ways. I've been very fortunate not to wrestle with substance abuse, but others close to me have not been so lucky. I've had the opportunity to see both sides of the equation, the active addiction and the recovery. Her back story and personality grew pretty organically from those experiences and observations, and her roommate's, too, because few addicts are without enablers. I appreciate the feedback and that you like Ginny. I like her, too.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Sep 2009 08:37 Title: When Opportunity Knocks

OK, this is brilliant. Maybe a little detail on Jenny's 12 step confession would have been nice but this was great. A mi me gusta!(Probably spelled it wrong-never learned Spanish in written form.)

Author's Response: The first draft contained more details of her confession, and it totally bogged down the narrative. I mean like screeching tires because the brakes are locked bogged down, so I threw that out after I realized no amount of tweaking it would change the effect. I do intend to have some of the details come out over time. It'll just have to be in a different way. I'm really glad you liked it, since this was a chapter I was worried about. (It is stretching my long ago high school Spanish education to the max, too.)

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Sep 2009 01:04 Title: When Opportunity Knocks

Love, love, love the friendship between Ginny and Benny.  I almost wonder if it has the potential for more.  I hope they do go to the moon together.  At the very least, I hope she goes.  It seems like she had a major breaktrhough today, and good for her!  Great chapter.

Author's Response: Am I getting my first shipping? Really? :D Awesome! I won't give anything away, of course, but yes, they are incredibly close and have been for almost as long as they've been alive. Thank you so much. I was worried about this chapter since it was a struggle. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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