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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jul 2013 00:41 Title: Chapter 19

And so goes a first contact! I'd be wary about going to see these folks, but kudos to Adele for being game and willing.

I liked seeing Icheb and Maren working together. They seem to do so very well in tandem. I'm interested in Maren's warming up slightly, it seems to not quite be wholly related to work, but time will have to tell on that one. If nothing else, though, the plot is absolutely fascinating so far.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2009 03:50 Title: Chapter 19

Surprise surprise! It appears as if the crew has found a new people to, are they hostile or peaceful? Good stuff.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2009 20:37 Title: Chapter 19

Ok, I don't know how it came about but I missed this chapter! I got the jist of what happended from the rest of the story so I didn't miss it until there was a mention of the Moega particle and that threw me a little. So I had to re-read. Glad I did. For though I followed the story, so clear and concise is your writing, I'd have missed the interactions between Icheb and Adele and between himself and Maren. Really fascinating and again agape at how much he is pushing his body and not regenerating.

From the start, cming across as looking like the Borg was always going to bite them in the ass returning to the Delta Quadrant. But it seems that rather than just instilling fear and possible ill will there seems to be someone able to hit back at the Borg with a vengence. Not a good thing for our intrepid crew.

Also, our aliens have an odd cultural way of relating to aliens. The insistence of meeting the government planet side might be a nice touch of world building but it may also be a trap. I know, I know, not a very Starfleet attitude - maybe its the Border Dog in me.

Author's Response:

Wow, clear and concise?  Thanks!  I'm glad you re-read, too, though. 

There's a whole debate that took place back on Earth about the shape and size of the ship.  Some of that will be revisited soon.  There are pros and cons to looking the way they do, for sure.

The Border Dog in you is very suspicious.  We'll see if it's justified ... you might have an ally in Icheb, though.  Keep reading!  ;-)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2009 04:26 Title: Chapter 19

Nice to see Icheb and Maren at least being civil to one another. Working together without drama is a good start... baby steps.

And now we see what will be the first of what I presume to be a great many First Contacts for the Tesseract. Here's hoping everyone minds their manners.

Author's Response:

Well, he managed not to cross any emotional lines with her, this time.  Time will tell if he's perceptive enough to notice the better response he got by keeping things professional.  Maren is a person who doesn't react well to being pushed.

Regarding first contact ... we'll see!  I think if I were the Tyndarans, I'd have been scared out of my gourd of the Tesseract, too, so I don't know that I'd read too much into their nervousness ... but then again, you never know.



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