Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Oct 2009 11:27 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others

Do not start trouble with the po-po. ;)  Yeah, going out in a foul mood was his first mistake, the first of many.  However, if the end result is just a night in jail and having scored a decent 'flight surgeon', perhaps it was worth the scar, eh?

Great chapter!

Author's Response: Might've helped if he had known they were the po-po, but in his mood, it might not have made a difference! I think he'll find that night a mixed bag overall. Still, could've been worse! Thanks!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2009 16:38 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others

Hee hee. That's what happens when you try to find some solace in the bottom of a glass. Sledge however, has some good out of it if the doctor - I mean paramedic - decides to sign on.

Nice visuals at the start of the scene with the sleeping pods and lighting. Really pictured myself there watching on. Nice little details. It also goes to show that when the crew gets assembled and our visitors come on board things are going to be very tight and cramped. I imagine things will be more than cramped though considering Sledge's mixed feelings over Diane. Looks like trouble brewing on more than one front.

Author's Response: Drinking to excess alone is never a particularly wise choice, that's for sure. I'm glad you liked the visual. I wrote it as close to how I saw it in my head as I could. It will be very cramped and tight with a full crew, all of them pretty large personalities, too. Of course I can't give anything away, but the set up does seem to imply there will be a few fireworks, eh? Heh. Heh. Thanks for the continued interest and the review!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2009 18:04 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others

Sucks to be Sledge, getting his ass kicked and going to jail for it.  And that paramedic is quite the feisty one.  I wonder if she'll take him up on the offer, or if she'll need some extra convincing.

Author's Response: Sometimes you win one, sometimes you lose one. Sledge has seen his share of both. As for the feisty Ms. Edwards, only time will tell!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2009 08:50 Title: Doesn't Play Well With Others

Sweet. Been there, done that. It read really true. You gotta stay on this. I am sucked in and ensnared.

Author's Response: I've been there and done that, too, though not from Sledge's side of things. It's an environment I'm really familiar with, which is probably why this particular chapter came a bit easier than the others. I'm glad I have you hooked and hope I can continue to deliver the goods! Thanks for the great review!

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