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Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jul 2013 00:26 Title: Chapter 18

Holy Hell, Maren, way to ride him over the coals! It's funny, just how much they love each other, and yet with all of the hurt feelings flying around, there's such an awful mess of pain.

These subspace tears are something else, though. At the rate they're going, the whole universe might well end up in trouble, especially since no one's closing them. As far as I've researched (for reading this story), they aren't exactly self-healing. It seems sort of short-sighted to leave these indiscriminately all over the place.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 May 2012 00:40 Title: Chapter 18

Ho ho! More evidence that the Borg are back. I hope this secret thing that caused Icheb and Maren to split up is good, because you're definitely stretching it out here. I really hope whatever it is will not be an anticlimax...

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2009 03:13 Title: Chapter 18

Maren and Icheb continuing their duel, but a surprise discovery of Borg remains...a tactical cube at that! Species 8472...could they be behind this?

Questions and more questions...awesome stuff!

Author's Response:

Hmm.  8472?  Guess you'll have to keep reading and find out.  ;-)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 23:47 Title: Chapter 18

Icheb and Maren are two senior officers aboard the most advanced starship the Federation Starfleet has ever fielded, and both are acting like 17-year olds in regards to their personal situation.

I do, however, understand Maren’s hesitancy. Which Icheb wants to talk with her? Her ex-boyfriend, or her superior officer? Granted, though he wants to discuss their former relationship, the fact that he’s of higher rank adds a compulsory undertone to any request for conversation with her. And Icheb could have handled his ‘request’ much better, rather than resorting to an angrily-hissed exchange in a corridor.

Ultimately, these are both proud, headstrong young people who have spent so much of their lives in school and focused on their respective careers that they seem to be lacking the emotional maturity they should have accrued by this age.

As for the region of subspace disruptions… oops. Borg again.

This. Can. Not. Be. Good.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 11:06 Title: Chapter 18

Oh an intriguing find at the end ... we were expecting more troubling signs of whatever is going on and with more subspace ruptures and Borg fragments we've got them.

A little mystery to be investigated now with the ship running only on impulse - eek not a good time to be caught with their pants down.

Yeah the Icheb / Maren relationship is a landmine of trouble for command situations. Both are exceedingly dim of heart it appears. But hey the fun will be seeing where this will go between the two of them.

The astrometics lab sounds fantastic - I'd love to see onscreeen. Very good and makes sense that Icheb and Seven would have a hand to play in its development. Icheb's pride at it is also evident and good to see him have that kind of response, especially after his run in with Maren.

I also loved the description Adele gave about herself - that she was about the people and the stars merely the background - it is refreshing and different. It's another little insight into her character and good to see that her loss at the hands of the Borg has not dented that drive. Maybe perhaps the fact she always viewed meeting people and cultures as her overriding concern it meant she was better able to cope than if she had been an explorer only. Nicely done.

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 02:46 Title: Chapter 18

First, I want one of those labs! hehe That just sounded so cool. I love the interface design. Secondly, I know you said you weren't happy with this chapter, but I think it was really good. I was hoping they'd find some debris, but wow, a cube almost disintegrated? This just gets curiouser and curiouser. Maren will come around eventually. Maybe. She's just not ready yet!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the reassurance.  This was version 3.5 of the chapter.  Versions 1.0-2.5 were the ones that made me want to start murdering characters, hehe.  I'm glad you liked this one.  I might decide to like it myself eventually.  Right now I'm just relieved I don't have ever have to look at it again if I don't want to!

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