Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Oct 2009 05:30 Title: Insiders

Okay, that was one of the most entertaining ship's tours I've ever read.  Sam is an energetic blast of fresh air in a gray and gloomy world.  I'm sure Henderson is just going to love the fact that he's hauling two Company/Fed types around as babysitters... and I'm now wondering if his cargo isn't a bit more valuable than he's been led to believe?

Author's Response: Sam is a lot of fun. So far, I think she's one of my favorites to write for. I'm really happy she was entertaining. I could imagine some would find her annoying after a time. I'd say you're pretty dead on about Henderson's likely reaction to the news. As for the nature of the cargo... Thank you for the review!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Aug 2009 18:21 Title: Insiders

Really fantastic vibes from from this segment. Sam is a riot - a living energy bomb with lots of fun attitude and brand of honesty. Love her irreverent tour of the ship - telling them all too bluntly what was what and waht was not. We also get a very clear picture of small vessel the Molly Magee is. By and by love the name for it - where did that come from?

And during all of the fun exchanges and ship information we have the mysterious figures giving away very little about themselves. Interesting characters with Sam's reaction all the better. Cool stuff.

Author's Response: Sam is so much fun to write it's criminal. The Molly Magee really is a tiny thing. It'd be a lot like being in a sub. As for the name, I started rolling things around, saying them out loud. One of our dogs is named Molly, and one of my best friends when I was growing up had the last name McGehee. The two locked together in my head, rolled off the tongue nicely, and with a tweak of spelling, there it was. We haven't seen the last of our mysterious figures. I can promise that. I'm really glad you enjoyed this chapter. It has been the most fun to write so far.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2009 08:42 Title: Insiders

Cool. Totally transition but cool. Where in this radiation hell does Adonis grow up? Some protected arcology?

Author's Response: Johannsen is a bit of a mystery at the moment, isn't he? Answers will be forthcoming in time, at least a few. Wouldn't want to spoil anything!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 03:43 Title: Insiders

The Molly Magee and her crew have sort of a Firefly/Serenity vibe going on.  I like it.  Definitely different for Trek, and lots of fun.

Author's Response: It's almost impossible not to come off with a bit of a Joss vibe with grittier space sci-fi. Firefly was just so amazing. I'm glad you're having fun with it, because I am, too, even though pushy Sam made me get a chapter of this out before OO. Thanks for reading!

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