Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Sep 2009 06:34 Title: Change of Scenery

Jones and McLeod appear to be quite the pair, and it seems there's a bit of history between Jones and Sledge as well.  They've given up on their life of crime fighting in New Zealand pretty quickly, so one might imagine there's something about Jack Sledge and the good ol' US of A that speaks to ‘hearth and home,' at least as much as people of this kind can feel such an impulse.  Then again, maybe its just the idea of a decent paycheck waiting... 

You've drawn two unique characters in fine strokes in a relatively brief chapter, well done.

Author's Response: They're wanderers at heart, perpetual sufferers of the grass is always greener syndrome. There is indeed a history. Just what it entails remains to be seen. Thanks for the praise! I enjoyed writing this chapter quite a bit.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2009 05:39 Title: Change of Scenery

Neat. This doesn't read like Trek-but it does read like a book I'd like to own.

Author's Response: Wow, that's a really awesome complement! Thank you so much!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 11:22 Title: Change of Scenery

Again, keeping it still very dark and gritty. As I've come to expect, the tone is consistent and detail wonderfully done to paint a picture in my mind. You ick the neat little touches that make it work and enliven the page.

Your characters introduced here have some witty dialogue but it is different to the previous chapter suited to them. And it is a mix of aggro, tension and other stuff fuelling the interactions. And a great way to introduce the characters too.

So we now have our security personnel. Sometimes tells me they aren't exactly stellar types but the tyes you'd want if you find yourself in a corner. Good stuff.

Author's Response: Although I can't usually listen to music and write, this time I threw some techno on in the background, and it put the club in my head. I originally intended for the pair to be Aussies, but they rather quickly set me straight. I don't know if you ever saw "Grindhouse", but there's a Kiwi stunt woman who played a character in "Deathproof", the second movie in the double feature, named Zoe Bell. She projects such a great attitude and is very natural with her acting. She helped give me some inspiration for Diane, not in looks, but overall attitude and feel.

They both have some screws loose, clearly, but yeah, if they have your back, they have your back all the way. I'm glad you enjoyed, and thanks again for the review!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 03:42 Title: Change of Scenery

I loved this chapter.  Diane and Ian have a good thing going here -- trust, friendship, sex appeal.  She's crazy, though -- it was bad enough the way she teased the killer, but then LEAVING the club and walking into an alley?  She was really lucky McLeod had her back.

Author's Response: She definitely has at least one screw loose. There was a method to her madness, though. She wanted the killer to do something bad enough that they could arrest and hold him right then instead of just hauling him in for questioning and having to hope that a search warrant would turn up something incriminating at his place.

I'm glad you liked their chemistry. They surprised me with it, but it flowed really naturally, so I went with it. I didn't know they had that sort of relationship until they showed it to me. I intended it to be a straight friendship/working partnership, no complications. Shows what I know.

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