Reviews For To the Moon
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2009 07:24 Title: Winning Bid

Okay, I decided to come over and see what all the fuss was about, and boy am I glad I did.  This is down and dirty, the nitty-gritty reality of the late 21st century.  Your characters are as colorful as they are compelling, and having faces to put with them only made them stand out more vividly.

Here's hoping these rag-tag merchants can make some profit along the way.

As Captain Reynolds was fond of saying, "This is us, out here on the raggedy edge."

Author's Response: Thanks, and welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the ride. It's bound to get bumpy.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2009 13:05 Title: Winning Bid

Oh wow! I read about this over on trekbbs and thought I'd check it out. This is so amazing. I love the characters already - you've managed to create a true crew and a real situation that I already feel invested in. An absolute gem. Can't wait to read the rest!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I had no idea anything was mentioned over on the BBS, so thanks for the heads up, too. There is going to be some delay before any new posts, but I can promise I'm not dropping the story. I hope you enjoy the ride!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Aug 2009 01:24 Title: Winning Bid

Now, this is something different.  I like these rougher-edged characters and I'm interested to see where you take them.  Extra points for use of the word Guido, which always gets a snicker out of me.

Author's Response: Guido makes me laugh, too, and makes me think of the MYTH books by Robert Asprin, the characters Guido and Nunzio. I'm glad you're enjoying. I'm having fun with them. It's a change of pace from how I usually write. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2009 20:44 Title: Winning Bid

This is so far from Trek right now-but I like the atmosphere you set up. I hope you plan to stay with this.

Author's Response: I definitely plan to stick with it. A lot of Trek characters have made reference to how bad things were shortly after WWIII, so I wanted to run with that. I'm glad you like it, and thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2009 10:58 Title: Winning Bid

How refreshingly gritty and raw and dirty and grimy this all is. A great start with quick introductions to the characters and the world in which it is set. A quick overview or introduction that promises a lot in terms of style, characters, dialogue and wit. This humour is typical of the smart answers and banter:

“You ready for some new co-workers?”
“You fired Stryker?” Her eyes lit with her delighted grin.
“I should,” he said, refusing to allow his dark mood to return so soon, “but no. Much better than that.”
“You killed Stryker,” she said

I like the premise and the early days of space exploration/travel - but done for profit it seems more so than idea of discovering new things. Now I'm eager to learn what all is invloved in this world that you conveyed so clearly in the opening paragraphs.

No need for this to be made into a movie i saw that scene clearly in my head, your way of writing makes me easily visualise and imagine the world. I guess it suits my reading style.

Now I'm interested to see what their ship will look like; the technology involved, the political situation after the fall out of WWIII, the new recruits, and whatever complications you're going to throw our way.

Great opening chapter. Well done.

Author's Response: I knew this would never work post Starfleet, so I set it a few years before the first warp flight and first contact, when Earth was in a transitional phase from for-profit based space travel and colonization to exploration and the higher ideals. As much as I love more modern Trek, it's hard for me to get myself into that groove for writing.

Sam is a fun character. She was one of the first to show herself for this new venture. While I'm not a fan of any character ever serving as just comic relief, I have a feeling a lot of the humor that comes out of this will be hers, intentional or otherwise.

One of my biggest worries was not being able to paint things how I saw them. I've been able to use a bit of descriptive shorthand with the canon characters since most people know who they are and even what they look like, plus what DS9 and Terok Nor look like. This is a whole new ball of wax from scratch. I'm really glad you could "see" it. In your Kestrel series, you do such an amazing job of showing the ship, that it's almost a character in and of itself. Since the Molly Magee is so small, it won't have the same scope, but I do plan on tucking in some fun details for tech lovers. I'm glad you enjoyed!

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